16 and Pregnant, Part 2

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Living in the same house as my boyfriend is going to be very different for me

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Living in the same house as my boyfriend is going to be very different for me. I've never been with a boy for more than 24 hours at a time.

Right now we're upstairs and Trey is helping me put away clothes and hygiene products. I almost feel awful that I'm practically booting his younger brother out of his own room. But I sure am glad I get to wake up to my boyfriend from now on.

"You know... I was waiting for the right time to say something" My boyfriend Tremaine exhales, while bringing the last of my bags into his bedroom.

Trey and I made a pact that we would explain this situation to our families later on down the line. But my mom discovered a pregnancy test wrapper in a bathroom trashcan and I had no choice but to speak up. I hang around my boyfriend 24/7. There's no way I can deny that I'm sexually active. Besides, I can't lie to my mama. She knows me better than I know myself.

"And when was the right time, Trey? My mom was threatening to throw me out on the streets and have me homeless with my baby. What was I supposed to do? Sit around and wait for you to get back from basketball practice?" I asked with a sharp tone, folding my arms in the process.

"I'm saying. We haven't even discussed if we gone keep it or not"

Keep it or not?

"What do you mean we haven't discussed if we're going to keep it or not?"

"I mean there's alternative options that we can decide on" he said with a hopeful expression.

"Alternative options, like what? I'm not getting rid of this baby. We talk about having kids all the time" I spat, clearly reminding this forgetful boy of his own plan.

Trey stops unpacking my bags and tries to speak, but I cut his sentence short. "No. What's so different now?"

I can feel the humidity rising in my body as the anger in me gets worse. I just can't believe he is uttering these words right now. No one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do. You asked me to be your girlfriend and gave me a promise ring on my birthday. He even said that he'd save up to buy an actual engagement ring when he gets the money. Or what about the time when he said after we turn 18-years-old, we'll move into our own place together? He made big plans for us and I agree to everything because I love him.

"You always say it's your pussy during sex and you never attempt to pull out, but now you're unsure?"

"I'm not unsure, I know the baby's mine! I'm just not ready to be a father right now" he snapped at me.

Not ready to be a father right now? What the fu-

All my thoughts left my brain suddenly at once. My heart then dropped to my stomach with concern pouring all over me. I couldn't muster up audible words to actually express the way I'm feeling. I need time to process all of this. I'm in shock. I checked out the conversation and didn't realize that I started crying. I went into the bathroom inside his bedroom to go find some tissue. And guess who follows me in there?

"Babe, I didn't mean it like that" he sighs.

"I love you more than words can actually describe. I wouldn't choose anyone but you to carry my seed" he said so sweetly.

"Then what is it, then?" I piped up, totally forgetting to wipe my tears.

"I just have a lot on my plate right now" he grips my hands while searching for the right words to explain the best way possible. "With trying to go pro with this basketball shit, or rap shit-- whatever comes first. I won't have time to be stuck at home raising no kid. I want to enjoy life. I'm only 17"

I start crying even harder at this illogical statement he just made. "Are you kidding me right now?"

I put my hands out in front of his chest and push him backwards. I should've went on birth control like my mother suggested I do. But I had to be so stupid in love and ignore what she was saying. Now look at me... 16 and pregnant.

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