Meet The Tuckers, Part 1

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Forest and Mama April have the last name Tucker, while Tremaine holds the surname Neverson

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Forest and Mama April have the last name Tucker, while Tremaine holds the surname Neverson.

I stop what I'm doing when I hear a knock at the bedroom door.

"Come in" I coo to the person on the other side of the door.

It's my boyfriend's mother, April slowly approaching. And before I can fix my mouth to greet her, she speaks first.

"Where's Tremaine?"

"Uh, I think he made a store run" I said with a hint of uncertainty.

You just never know with Trey. This man will sit up there and tell you that he's going to make a store run, but will end up at a park on a basketball court, at a friend's house, or even at somebody's house party that he's not even supposed to be at. Certain things I've learned to take light with Tremaine. He can be a bit of a habitual liar at times. Bless my baby's heart.

'Well when he gets back, I need to speak with you both" his mother declared.

And she goes back out the door and shuts it closed. I plop down on the edge of his bed with my cellphone in my hands, ready to text him about this brief encounter with his mom. She sounds serious and I just want to prepare him when he returns home.

35 to 40 minutes later, my man trails into his bedroom with a few bags in hand. Kicking the door closed behind him.

"Did you get what I asked?"

"Yeah. Sure" his sentence trails off as he begins to rummage in the plastic bags to retrieve his raw scented blunt wraps.

Leave it up to him to purchase a six pack of beer, blunt wraps, a bag of blue takis, 2 apple juices and a milky-way candy bar.


"Uh... where's my hersey's bar with the almonds in it? I didn't ask for this" I began frowning up my face in disgust, holding up the candy to his face.

"My bad, man. I thought that's what you wanted" he sits down while taking a small bag of weed out of his jacket pocket, still not bothering to pay me a lick of attention.

"Ain't no way this what you thought I wanted. All this time I've been dealing with you and you ain't never seen me eat no damn milky way" I gently smack him with the candy bar.

"Don't eat it then" he shrugs his shoulders with no type of concern for my unsatisfied sweet tooth.

"I am gone eat it because I'm hungry. I got a sweet tooth" I said in a rush, while biting open the candy wrapper.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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