Meet The Tuckers, Part 2

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Forest and April have the last name Tucker, while Trey's last name is Neverson

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Forest and April have the last name Tucker, while Trey's last name is Neverson.

Baked chicken, string beans, cornbread, macaroni and cheese with yellow rice and gravy is on the menu for dinner tonight. I am so glad I didn't have to help prepare anything. That kitchen is so hot and I don't have the patience for anything right now except sit down and eat. I hope she isn't too mad that I didn't help with anything. I promised that I would or wash dishes next time

"Tremaine, you heard what I said. Leave that door open" April barked from down the hallway.

Trey broke away from the kiss, leaving me in bed alone to go swing open the bedroom door. I know he's upset because he's clearly in the mood and wants sex all of the time.

His mother is super adamant about us keeping the bedroom door open, so she can monitor us since we're sharing a bed. But all we're going to do is wait for her to fall asleep to shut and lock the door again. Like I understand she doesn't want us having sex under her roof. But does it actually matter at this point, considering we have a baby on the way? There isn't too much more damage we can do.

"She always trippin' 'bout some" I could hear Trey mumble some words under his breath. I just couldn't make out everything he said.

My boyfriend starts to put on his plain white t-shirt he had thrown on the floor just 10 minutes ago, plopping down on his side of the bed.

"Y/n!" His 6-year-old brother exclaims, running to jump on the bed.

"HI, Forest" you smile and wave at your future brother-in-law who feels like your own child on some days.

You catch Forest in your arms as he's busting into a fit of laughter.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down, man. You can't be playing rough with my lady like that" my overprotective sagittarian partner expressed.

"I'm sorry" Forest began to apologize, frowning up his face like he would cry in the process. "I just wanna play uno with somebody"

"It's OK. You're fine" I said, moving hand to gently pinch his cheek.

His brother interjected, "go somewhere else and play uno, man.
Y/n doesn't feel good tonight"

"You sick?" Forest gasped. His little face just as shocked as it wants to be.

I start to stutter not even sure if I should be explaining my symptoms to a 6-year-old right now. Can he even fathom the idea of what a pregnancy may be? Is this conversation even appropriate to be having? ...Nah, probably not.

"Yeah, she's been throwing up and it's contagious" Tremaine told his brother.

I can't help but to glare at him, because why would you lie to this boy like this?

"And you sick, too?" His baby brother inquires.

"Yeah, I just threw up in the trash right before you got in here" Tremaine pointed at a small trashcan in the corner, while also telling another lie.

"Eww..." Forest said, twisting up his face and climbing out of bed backwards. He runs out of the bedroom, exiting with such haste, but I know he'll be back eventually.

Before I moved in, Forest and Trey were sharing a bedroom. There were times when I would visit and Trey would kick him out of the bedroom or pay him to disappear for a few hours while we did our thing. Forest still has his some toys, clothes, comic books amongst other personal items in this bedroom. But he doesn't seem to care for much of anything outside of that Playstation 5 game console.

"Baby c'mere" my man said with that southern accent that I just love so much. Stretching out his arms, inviting me to lay down on his chest and cuddle with him. Also roping his forearm over my back just so he can caress my stomach. I can hear the rate of his heartbeat and this feels so comfortable to me.

As scared as I am to enter on this journey into parenthood with Trey, there's no doubt existing in my mind that he won't stand up and handle all of his responsibilities the way a real man should. He doesn't have an active father in his life, but he's already the man of the house. Trey works hard to help raise his baby brother and makes ends meet by selling drugs. I know one day he'll have to straighten up and fly right, but this'll just have to do until we see better days.

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