Chapter 9: The Four Pieces Of Rose

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Chapter 9: The Four Pieces Of Rose

Ethan's POV

Ethan: Chris, when can we leave?

Chris: We need to wait for our recon to scout out potential places for a temporary base.

Ethan: But I need to get my brother and daughter!

Chris: And we will, Leon, Jake, have you found a spot yet?

Leon: Yeah, we found an area, it's near one one of the Lord's areas.

Jake: Thankfully it's the dumb one so he won't notice us, we'll wait for you here

Chris: Good, me, Jill, Ethan and Rebecca will meet with you there

Ethan: I'm surprised you're letting me come with you

Chris: You want to save your family right?

Ethan: I do....and if this Mother Miranda has been posing as Mia the whole time....then she might be in that village too

Claire: He is right, she could be there, we just need to find out where she is exactly

Helena: We can only hope that Blue finds her since he has some understanding of the layout of the village

Leon: Hey! I'm still here!

Rebecca: Oh we know

Jake: Hah! Oh and Leon forgot to mention that we saw Ada

Jill: What?

Sheva: Oh great, Jill should've went instead

Leon: Oh come on! We didn't even talk to her, she probably doesn't even know we are here

Chris: Or maybe she does and she isn't bothering to talk to you, do we know why she is here?

Jake: No, you don't think she is working for Miranda right?

Chris: Can't be, she might be looking to steal something from the village. But let's forget about her, she isn't our concern right now, get me eyes on Miranda and Blue

Leon: Blue might be in that castle, Miranda's location is still unknown.

Ethan: Dammit, can we leave now?

Chris: In an hour. Leon, Jake, set up camp

Leon: You got it

Don't worry Rose.....I'm coming to get you home, you too Mia.....Blue....stay safe brother, I know you can survive all of this. Maybe you can find both Rose and Mia before us.

Blue's POV

I went back inside the castle, it was time to find the exit, but then I remembered that I needed my hat back so I went to find Daniela. First I checked the library but saw that she wasn't there, it felt really quiet so I treaded carefully.

Blue: I don't like this

Eveline: It's too quiet, are you sure you want the hat back?

Blue: It's apart of my drip so yes

I moved around the castle and tried to find any of the Dimitrscu sisters, the only one I didn't want to find was-

Alcina: Blue Winters!

Blue: Alcina Dimitrscu.....

Alcina: I have had enough of you! I don't know how you managed to survive walking around my castle, I don't know how my daughters have failed to capture you....and I don't know why you are important to Mother Miranda!

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