Chapter 17: Heisenberg's Downfall

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Blue: You think Heisenberg will be upset?

Eveline: Probably, he won't be able to have sex with it now.....if he did at all

Blue: What's Sex?


Now that the Propeller Soldat was down, I began to leave the room by using the Northeast door. I exit the control room on the South and drop down into the Cargo Bay, then I climb the ladder on the South side, balancing across the beam.

I hop into the crane and operate the lever, then I step off when it lifts me up. I enter the door but then I started to get attacked by flying metal pipes, which only meant one thing.

Blue: This place is haunted!

Heisenberg: No you idiot! It's me!

Blue: Golden Freddy!?

Heisenberg: What? No! I'm not a damn yellow bear!

Blue: Really? Cause you're a bit in the hairy know Five Nights At Freddy?

Eveline: Blue I don't think he knows what that is-

Heisenberg: Yeah! Got a problem?

Eveline: Wait what!?

Blue: Oh no, I'm chill with that. I just didn't think.....well I didn't think you would be a fan

Heisenberg: A guy has got to find his entertainment somewhere, it's why I look into the the Lore!

Blue: [Le Gasp] You know the Lore!?

Heisenberg: Of course!

Blue: Eveline! He should join us in our Lore Discussions!

Eveline: No! He is not going to join our Lore Discussions!

Heisenberg: Blue, we can talk about the Lore of Five Nights At Freddy! You just have to join me! You and Ethan! We can use Rose to-!

Blue: Hell no!

Heisenberg: Agh! Why do you have to make things so difficult!?

Blue/Eveline: Ask yourself that!

Heisenberg begins to use his metal pole powers or whatever to attack me, but I'm the President of Weave Nation for a reason as I avoid everything. I escape from Heisenberg until I find myself at the Waste Runoff.

There was a grate in the wall so I pull it out of the way and crawl through the space, then I found myself in a big room, that was mostly dark. I tread carefully and find some vehicle that I would be banned from using.

And I mean myself specifically.

Eveline: Definitely, so do us a favour and stay away from it!

Blue: I'm gonna touch it!

Chris: Oh no you don't

I didn't see Chris come out of where and punch me in the face, I land on the ground and saw that the Big Boulder Punching man was standing above me.

Chris: Soap trusted you, I thought I could too. So why in the bloody hell, does Makarov know you!?

Blue: Captain Price!?

[ C U T ]

Blue: Ah what the hell was that for?!

Chris: I thought you would strike me first

Ethan: Jesus Chris! I told you already that I got him up to date!

Chris: What's going to stop him from punching me for the confusion?

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