Chapter 18: Who Am I?

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Blue: Ah, so we finally meet

Miranda:.....This is our 3rd meeting.

Blue: It is?

Eveline: [Facepalms] Yes!

Miranda: Y-Yes, technically more if you count my disguises, then again you didn't know it was me

Blue: Or did I?

Miranda/Eveline: You didn't -_-

Ethan: I think I should intervene. Miranda! Where is my daughter?! And Mia too!

Miranda: What could you possibly mean, Ethan Winters? Your daughter is mine.....and I'm Mia

Ethan: No you're not! Your lies won't work!

Blue: Yeah! I've been fooled so many times already that I'm immune now!

Eveline: [Rolls Eyes] Oh wow, Congratulations

Blue: Thank you! :D

Eveline: That was sarcasm!

Miranda: I think I should get to the point with you two. Join me, and I promise safety as well as a comfortable and prestigious life under me, especially for you Blue~

Ethan: Oh hell no!

Eveline: Away woman!

Blue: Yeah, I'm going to have to say no. I kind of need my niece and sister in law back.

Miranda: Are you sure? Final offer~


Miranda: Oh well, goodbye!

Blue: Goodbye! Wait.....what-?

Miranda disappears from our view and before any of us can react, I felt a hand and arm pierce my chest. Everything goes black for me and all I could hear was Ethan and Eveline calling my my consciousness fades away......

???: Is he ready?

??? 2: Not yet, but soon enough, he will be

Where......where am I?

???: I need an estimated

Doctor? Date? Seriously, where am I? Is this like Skyrim? Am I going to be in a moving cart?

My vision finally turns on and I could see that my surroundings were a lab, it was dark with some lights present from these strange contraptions and computers. There were two guys, a scientist guy and someone......I recognised.

Blue: T-That's the Core Leader! When was this? What is he taking about with this guy?

I looked in front of the two and saw that they were inspecting a big test tube. It was filled with a bright blue liquid and because it was bright, I couldn't see what was inside of it.

But whatever is inside of it, it clearly wasn't complete. But why am I seeing this? Is the Core Leader preparing this....creation for me?

He hates me so he might just have this as some sort of back up in case he fails to kill me. That makes sense, but it also doesn't because I'm dead....I think....I might still be alive......right?

Hold on....the scene is changing....what am I going to be shown now?

Scientist: This boy was created by us to be something superior to a human being

Core Leader: What? Like one of those Tyrants that Umbrella have been making?

Scientist: Oh no, "He" will be different. There is no comparison

The Other Winters [Male OC x RE Harem]Where stories live. Discover now