Little Bee

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Amelia walked next to her supposed 2p, Bee. It was strange for Amelia to see a girl that looked so similar to herself and yet she was a completely different person.


After rescuing the regular capitals, the two sets of children had to listen as Chiara explained the plan; "So, Bee was able to find a way to separate the 1Ps from the 2Ps."

"I looked in my spell book and found something that could work," Bee explained as she opened the spell book she had. "It's a separation spell that could separate the 1Ps from the 2Ps. In order for the spell to work, the 1p and 2p have to be fighting for control at the same time. Once that happens, we can use the spell and so we can get our Daddies back. I was able to compose into little incriminates of pink and blue dust too~!" Bee took several bottles out of her pocket to reveal bits of dust inside each of them.

"Uh Bee," Alor, aka 2p Aurel, spoke out. "I hate rain on your parade, but that is a very small amount of dust, meaning ve vill have only one shot at this."

"I know. That's why I thought it would be a good idea if we all got paired up into teams of two."

"Fine vith me," Katrina said. "I'll go with Ro-"

"No you won't," Chiara interrupted. "I'll be choosing the teams and I say that everyone will pair with their opposite; meaning 1Ps, you go with your 2Ps."

"WHAT?!" Everyone else besides Rose shouted.

"There is no way-" Andreas began.

"Come on guys, why is it a big deal?" Rose asked. "If we don't work together, then we can't get our Papas back."

"Besides, it's the best way to cause a state of confusion," Chiara added.

End of Flashback

How was Rose so easily willing to go along with all of this? Amelia thought. She is the last person I'd expect to agree with this. She then glanced over to Bee, who looked to be playing a game of hopscotch as she walked.

Bee looked up though and saw Amelia staring. "What's wrong Amelia?" Bee asked with a sweet smile that reminded Amelia of Oliver.

Amelia quickly turned away, not wanting to relive the memories of what had happened to her.

Bee sighed. "Daddy upset you didn't he?"

"...More like frightened me into thinking I was going to be baked into a cupcake."

"Oh. Daddy can be a bit, much, but he means well."

"It didn't seem that way."

Bee sighed. "I know you were probably scared."

Amelia wanted to say more when she saw Italy's house. "We're here," Amelia gestured for Bee to duck down as they went towards the back door that led to the kitchen. She silently opened the door and found Oliver working in the kitchen. He hummed as he worked.

"Now what?" Bee whispered.

"I have an idea on how to confuse him," Amelia pulled out her spell book. She showed Bee as spell that would make Bee look like her. "If we look the same, Oliver won't be able to tell who's who. It's temporary though so we'll have to act quick."


Oliver hummed a little tune as he placed some cupcakes into the oven. "I'm so happy that my little cupcake is here," Oliver said to himself. "I can't believe my memories of her were erased. How could I forget my precious bumblebee~?"

That's when he heard the backdoor open. Oliver did a quick turn to see something that made him blink a few times; walking in were two Amelias, two! They looked exactly the same! A smile soon came to Oliver's face. "Well hello Amelia, and Amelia."

"Hello Oliver," they both greeted at the same time.

"So Oliver," The Amelia on the left spoke. "Can you tell?"

"Can I tell what poppet?"

"Can you tell who's Amelia and who's Bee?" The Amelia on the right asked.

Oliver's smile still was on his face as he looked at the two very identical girls. Even though they looked exactly the same, Oliver could tell who was who: he pointed to the Amelia on the right and said, "You're Amelia."

"How can you tell for sure?" Both girls questioned at the same time.

"Well it's quite simple girls; I was able to get information from Artie on how Amelia stands. He's very weak right now. In fact, you could say that Artie is fading away."

Amelia gasped hearing that.

"Now I'm going to have to deal with you right here and now my dear~."

Amelia backed away from Oliver as he moved closer to her. "Father, I know you can hear me. Please fight back," Amelia begged.

"Artie can't hear you deary. He's fading away."

Amelia felt tears run down her cheeks as she felt her hope fading fast. "Daddy...please come back." She sobbed.

Just as Amelia's tears hit the floor, Oliver felt a headache forming. He dropped to his knees as he heard a voice yelling at him from inside his head; Don't you dare touch my little girl! England yelled at Oliver as Oliver held his head between his hands.

Amelia peeked open her eyes to see that Oliver was doubled over in pain. "Now Bee!" Amelia shouted.

Bee quickly nodded as she took a handful of dust and threw it at Oliver. It caused Amelia and Bee to cough as it filled the air. When the dust settled down, Amelia and Bee saw that next to Oliver was Arthur. Both of them groaned in pain as they sat up.

"Father/Daddy!" The two girls cried out as they ran towards each others' Dads.

Amelia wrapped her arms around England's waist while Bee wrapped her arms around Oliver's neck. "I missed you so much Father," Amelia muttered into England's shirt.

England smiled down at Amelia as he held her. He missed being able to hold his daughter with his own arms. "I was so worried about you Amelia," He muttered into her hair.

Amelia then looked over at Bee. Bee held tightly to Oliver, who was happy to hold his little Bee. "Daddy," she mumbled. "I missed you. Please don't go away again."

Oliver sighed as he looked at his crying child. He didn't want her to cry. He just wanted to be with his child again. "I promise my little bumblebee," He promised. "I won't leave you alone again."

Bee smiled as she looked at her Dad. Then she looked over at Amelia, who gave her a small smile. Just then, a portal opened up behind Bee and Oliver. "Daddy, can we go home now?"

Oliver nodded as he picked Bee up and carried her towards the portal. She looked back at Amelia, waved to her and mouthed, "Bye" as Oliver walked.

As soon as the two walked through the portal it disappeared. "Where did they?" Amelia asked.

"The portal to the 2p dimension opened up," England answered. "It must've had something to do with the spell that you used to separate Oliver and myself. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth about the 2Ps. I just wanted to protect you."

Amelia blinked at England and then held tighter to him. "I understand Father. You were just trying to protect me. I'm just happy you're back."

Capital Girls: 2p TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now