Rose, Luciano, Tye, and Flavio

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"Rose wait up!" Tye shouted as his younger cousin ran ahead of her.

"But I'm excited Tye," Rose replied as she ran. "Papa said he was making pasta for dinner."

"He makes pasta every night."

"I know!"

Soon the house came into view and Rose bolted for the door. She opened it and was hit by the smell of noodles being cooked. Rose ran to the kitchen and saw her Father cooking. The little girl ran towards her Father and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Ciao Papa~!" Rose giggled.

Italy only gave the child a small pat on the head, not even turning to look at her. "Ciao ragazza," he mumbled, not seeming like his usual cheerful self.

Rose didn't notice though and just hugged her Papa even tighter. However, Tye noticed it. What is wrong with Zio Italy? He thought. He usually would turn around and wrap his arms around Rose. He just seems, off.

"Papa, when will the pasta be ready?" Rose asked.

"It will be ready soon ragazza," Italy explained. "Just be patient."

"Si Papa, I will." With that, Rose skipped off to the living room leaving Tye to stare at the man that was his "uncle".

Tye knew that this wasn't his uncle. His suspicion was confirmed when Italy turned around to face Tye. Italy's normally closed eyes were open and they were a shade of magenta instead of amber and it felt like he was starting into Tye's soul. With a devious smirk on his face Italy spoke; "Is something wrong Tye?"

The terrified boy shook his head nervously. "N-No Zio Italy. Nothing is wrong."

"Good, because if there was a problem I would need to know."

Tye nodded his head and then began backing away. "Well I need to go and do my homework."

Italy started walking towards Tye, making the young man shake with fear. He closed his eyes and waited for a hit to come but was surprised when he felt a simple pat on the head. "That's a good boy." With that being said Italy walked back to the stove and stirred the noodles.

Thinking quickly, Tye ran to the living room. Rose and I have to get out of here and find help! Tye told himself. As he ran, Tye heard Rose scream. "Rose!" Tye bolted for the living room and was shocked what he found; his Father was tickling Rose as she squealed on the couch.

"Stop Zio Romano," Rose begged between laughs. "It tickles! I can't stop laughing!"

"I've got you now ragazza~!" Romano playful stated as he tickled the brunette, making her laugh even louder.

Tye sighed with relief. I thought she was hurt, Tye thought. But it's just Father tickling Rose.....Wait a minute, since when does he do that?

That's when Romano looked over at Tye. Romano's amber eyes had changed to blue, making Tye gasp a bit. He didn't intimidate the young boy like Italy had done. In fact, he seemed to have a very childish look in his eyes.

"There you are Tye," Romano stated with a kind smile, something Tye rarely saw. Romano stood up and went over to Tye, giving his head a good rub. However, Romano let out a small gasp. "But what are you wearing? This is just not right. My son should not be wearing something that screams "last year" all over it!"

"What's wrong with my clothes? It's the uniform we have to wear at school."

"But you want to impress some pretty ragazzas don't you~?"

Immediately, Tye's face turned red like a tomato, making Romano chuckle.

"Now you wait here while I go get some magazines to look through. We need to get you out of those threads immediately."

As soon as Romano left the room, Tye ran over to Rose who was laying down on the couch, trying to recover from the tickling. "Rose we have to go, now!" Tye said.

"But why? We're about to eat dinner in a little bit. Papa would not like it-"

"That wasn't Italy. And that wasn't my Father. Listen, trust me on this Rose. Would I lie to you?"

Rose shook her head. "Well no."

"Then come on." Tye took a hold of Rose's arm and ran with her to the front door. They both ran outside and towards the woods just as Italy was walking out of the kitchen.

"That boy is very smart," Luciano stated. "I have to give him credit." The Italian smirked. "But if he thinks that he can escape that easily then he's sorely mistaken. This is far from over."

Please don't hurt them, Feliciano begged from inside his head. Please don't hurt my little bambino. She hasn't done anything wrong.

"Shut up idiota!" Luciano growled, making Feliciano shrink back inside his head. "You should keep your mouth shut."

But the children haven't done anything wrong. You can't hurt them!

"I never said I was going to hurt them."

Now Feliciano was confused. If the 2p's weren't going to hurt the capitals, then what were they planning to do? Braving himself, Feliciano looked into Luciano's thoughts and found what he was planning. He gasped when he saw what Luciano had in store for the children. No, you can't do this!

With a devious smirk, Luciano mentally locked Feliciano away as he walked back into the kitchen. "Watch me."

What will our capitals do now that know that there is something wrong with the countries? Can they stop the 2Ps? Find out probably none of the answers next time.

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