Pilot part one: Meet yourself.

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"Trains Pass by as the desert sands dig into your coat, the demented sludge that makes up your body feeling itchy as dust gets stuck in it, a problem made worse from your tentacles."

"the being that wanders the night of the valley is something not quiet human, wearing a fluffy Coat. with multiple green tentacles coming out its back, a rope wrapped around its neck. in place of a face, an abyssal void is situated. this being is named Y/N... and this being, is also you"

Y/N's Pov:

"i'm getting closer.. i know it.." i've been walking for Hours... its driving me NUTS.. but.. i have no need for sustenance, so i can manage. the handiness of being inhuman..

Theres not much out here, mainly just Dust, Sand, Cacti, the valley's kinda cut into two halves y'see. one halfs foresty, anothers a sandy expanse of mostly nothing.

Finally, after so so many hours of walking, i see it. a large clock tower off in the distance, human civilization. 

"my empire starts there... i'll have them eating out of my Tentacles in no time...." 

But Before he can truly celebrate... he's interrupted sadly. a cackling laugh, as he sees something ahead of him... a black shadowy form, with large antlers and a twisted grin on they're simplistic face. wendigos.



Waylon's Pov:

"it was a close fight for sure, outnumbered, with no ammo, surrounded by shadowey horrors, but two-bit jerry pulled through, just like always-"

As he was narrating to himself, Waylons "partner", Jo Constance had walked over. "what are you doing?" 

"YAH!?-I was uh......" **he goes back to his serious voice** "planing my next big heist. the last one i did.. i stole... an entire city" **Waylon Pokes Jo**

"a city huh?" Jo Looks at him with skeptical eyes, boredom in her voice

"Y-Yeah! i'm Two-Bit Jerry after all, a gunslinger with no qualms, only wanting to get rich! i shot a man once, y'know what he did?!"

Jo just stares at Waylon and raises an eyebrow

"you.. you need to ask.. what he did" *he nervously scratches his head, temporarily having his voice to back to its regular pitch*

"Fine... What did he do to get shot?"

"he was wearing a hat! i've always hated hats, y'know why?!... no reason."

"...your wearing a hat right now." *Jo Points at the hat he's wearing*

"Hat?! what hat? i don't see any hats, especially not on my head!" **he takes off the hat and throws it backwards**


The sound of the belltower scares off some birds.

"..just.. pretend, to stand watch" Jo walks off, having other duties to attend to.

"...Sigh...Fine.." Waylon goes to dramatically "Fix" his hat, only to grab air, remembering he threw it into the forest

Waylon slowly enters the forest, the sun slowly setting.. its dark, but he can still see, his hats landed on a tree branch in quite the convenient way.

"Well, ain't that Handy... Two-Bit Jerry's amazing throwing arm wins once again."

as he reaches for his hat... his arm gets stuck?

"eh?.. Hrrrg... Hrrrhg!"

....the moonlight reveals a strange, thin line. a thread almost.. that appears to be keeping him in place, he's able to free himself, but stumbles backwards, suddenly freezing in place.


**a bit later, Waylon opens his eyes to find himself suspended in mid air... held aloft by alot of those threads, clearly the work of a spider.. the web wobbles as he tries and fails to move his arm, only having the elbow downwards.**

He looks over.. there appears to be something in the tree?

"Uhh.. hello?" Waylon asks, not sure if he'll get a response..

the person raises a.. Claw... but before he can properly take this in, a bird flys towards him


and then.. he gets a proper look at the other person....


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"Its fine you can stay over there" he's nervous, afraid.. but he can't show it, cause Two-Bit jerry is afraid of nothing... except maybe creepy spider people

The arachnid Giggles, crawling over. reaching a claw to the trapped bird... and slowly moving it to her mouth... when...

"Hey! you up there?" Jo's voice is heard

the Bird flaps out and stuns The arachnid, as Waylon yells for help

"JO! HELP ME! I'M IN A CREEPY SPIDERS NEST A-an... and...." He looks down...

Y/N's Pov:

"Y-your not Jo.." the human stuttered out, he's in quite the pickle, huh?

I chuckle, this'll be fun.


Ayo, its a fanfic, a new fanfic waaaaaaaaaaayooooo!

i know what your thinking, "Damascus you tried to do this with danganronpa and it didn't make it past the first chapter" yeah i know but this is different!

Cliffside is something i've recently learned about and its SUCH a good show concept, and if you've noticed. my BEST book by far (holo what-now) contains a totally original story with the characters as the base.

and cliffside's just a pilot, which means i can use this to make a proper story, it's gonna be cliffside based, and this book will be using an experimental typing style (Holo what-now will stick to my usual typing style)

also expect some plot differences since... well it'd be weird if a siren showed up and the pilot stayed the exact same.

also this is a Cordie X reader (obviously, she's best girl)

happy reading! also if the Ry'leah isn't obvious, Fate is the narrator across all my books, :)

till next time yall!


so your a spider? cool, i'm gas-lighting incarnate: Cliffside X Male Reader.Where stories live. Discover now