Pilot Part two: Meet your Pals.

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Y/N'S Pov:

"you look like you could use a helping tentacle!" i look up at the human, how exactly he even got into this situation i have no idea but i'm gonna take advantage of it, though as it turns out.. my timing isn't as genius as i thought it was.

"Eh?" one of my back tentacles is stuck? what? theres nothing to get stuck on- oh shit


the human just... stares at me... 

"...you thought the spider wasn't here didn't you?" he sounded dissapointed.

"i couldn't see it from where i was standing give me a break!"

We both hear a  cough and turn back to the spider thing, who speaks up properly for the first time.

"i'm okay! bird in four of the eyes"

"...this is really weird" your in a web with a siren and a spider, understatement of the century.

Spider lady seems to be trying to save face maybe? i dunno really, theres alot of talking and thats something i tend to tune out accidentily sometimes, being a twisted conduit of empathy's not as easy as it looks y'know!


"Cut it out!" oh humans still alive? well thats tentacly, i think they both forgot i was here, 

"I'm two-bit Jerry! the most Dastardly Outlaw there is, i'm so infamous, my wanted posters have wanted posters!" is he serious?

"...there is no way anyone is going to believe that."


"YEesssss..." he flashes me a smirk, before getting a freaked out look on his face, oh right i look hideous despite my voice being perfect

"I-i'm so dastardly i once shot my whole posse cause my G-Gun was getting heavy.. had.. 12 rounds in it!"

"you mean that one?" i point to his revolver

"...Yes. that one!"

"really?! thats the gun!" ..girl you are too gullible,  wait why am i even mad?! i love gullible people they're fucking adorable!

"indeed, two-bit jerrys list of crimes is a.. neverending... list!.. like for example, the time i distracted a creepy spiderlady long enough to escape her dumb web!" He takes out the bladey spinny heel thingy from his boot, what are those things called again, i do not have time for these semantics!

"...oh he's gon- and your gone too.... i.. did they just leave me here?!?!"

Crows caw as the cameras zoomed out


Waylons Pov:




"my Eye!"

After falling all those trees as a tactical escape method, one only thinkupable by Two-Bit jerry.. is thinkupable a word? hmmm..

"Owww... that hurt.. but! Two-bit Jerry escapes, once again. so long sheriff!"

"that was nifty!" WHY IS SHE HERE?!


"YOU ASSES HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?!" that weird voice again, oddly harmonic to listen to.

looking up, i see the coated.. thing, in the web still..

"uh-" and before i can actually talk..



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"Well, what do we have here. looks like Cordie finally caught something other than flies!" The big terrifying dragon talks.. it talks.. its speaking..

"hi Yannis, Hi Death itself" Death itself?!


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"hah, Nice!" she and death itself Fistbump, they.. seem close?

"so how about you just hand over the little cowboy."

"Wait what? B-But you just said" 

"oh PLEASE Cordie, how bout you be useful and watch for more prey or something, like... Oh.." Huh?

"its not often we see a siren, they typically live farther out."

a.... siren?? wait- is she talking about that thing in the web?! THATS A SIREN!?

"**angry siren grumbles**"

"your probably the only monster species more useless than Cordie! and speaking of useless, come near my nest to scavange for food again.  and i'll rip, your tiny. head of-" **THWACK!**

Yeah that'll teach her! time for Two-Bit Jerry to go to work!

"Ah put a Lid on it! she was gonna eat us just fine before you guys showed up!"

"Us?" "Cordie" sounds confused

"i'm still here" the siren somehow despite his lack of face, has a deadpanned expression right now.

"did it ever occur to you that i could do more than just Stand Watch!"

"wait.. you mean.. me?"


**Yannis launches back into the sky while screeching again, swooping down to Grab Waylon and Cordie in her claws.**

"i'll come back for you later," She takes to the sky after threatening the siren.

Jo's Pov:

"........." she just stands in silence.. shrugging slightly

Y/N's Pov:

and there they go... thankfully with all the time they spent bickering i've managed to get some of my tentacles out, now i just need to drop, and hope to Death itself that the rope around my neck doesn't get caught on any of the webbing.... okay... deep breathes.. NOW DROP!



Chapter twooo of the pilot! 

hope i'm doing good on this, i think i'm portraying waylon pretty good, and i hope the way i've involved Y/N is working too.

if you have any advice, feel free to give it.

Talk to ya later!


so your a spider? cool, i'm gas-lighting incarnate: Cliffside X Male Reader.Where stories live. Discover now