Pilot Part Five: Finish what you started.

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We start with a slow zoom-out from the clock tower.

"Hey Death, Why don't you pick on someone from your own meta-physical plane of existence" Waylon Stands with his revolver at the ready. Cordie on his Left. Jo on his Right. and Y/N in the back slightly to the right in-between him and Jo. Cordie has her revolvers out and ready, Y/N's got his 20 revolver face-cannon up and active. and lastly Jo's just kinda standing with her arms crossed.

In response to this, Death conjures its scythe and swings it around before slamming it into the ground right side up. pointing it at the group of 4.

"Prepare yourself Death, i'm Gunna do something to ya i should've done the first time we met"

Waylon then suddenly teleports BEHIND Death and slaps a Sherrif's badge onto his cloak

"giving you validation! See Mr. Death itself, I learned something today" The scene cuts over to Y/N and the girls. Cordie speaks up.

"Boy. i wonder how its going over there" 

"are we really not gonna question how he teleported?" The girls ignore Y/N's query

"Seems like he's... actually got a handle on it" Jo sounds... i wanna say impressed? its just slightly more emotion than usual

the Camera zooms back in on Waylon and Death Itself

"Therefore the moral of this episode is: if you validate someone enough you can manipulate them into doing whatever you say!" Waylon says with in a jovial tone, Death continues just staring at him

"Good job death, Who's a good little death? you are! you earned that sheriff star didn't you?" Waylon descends into puppytalk as he says this, but goes back to normal voice as he says "Please don't kill me" to death, Death then Grabs Waylon and smacks him into the ground a fewtimes before holding him upside down and dropping him.

"y'know.. Technically, you being our sheriff and defending the town would mean less dead people and less work for you... if you think about it." Waylon is very much in pain as he says this.

Waylon Flinches as Death raises his fist again, covering his eyes in fear. Death then jitters slightly and Waylon throws a thumbs up back at the three

"Sigh he Didn't' learn a thing" Cordie has a wide smile on her face as Jo says this.

"Yes he did! i SO taught him how to do that!"

"No you didn't." Jo shuts down Y/N's claim.

" Jo shuts down Y/N's claim

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The screen zooms out to show Waylon in a saloon behind the bar. "Yer darn Right i saved the town! Woo"

"wish i got more credit for things i broke and then barely fixed" Jo, Cordie and Y/N are all at the bar on the other side of the counter

"Now, who wants to stand watch?" the camera zooms out to show the outside of the saloon.

"are you kidding me? i'm way too cool for that now-" *slap* "..I do" Waylon starts confidently but kinda fizzles out there

"Me too! i once looked at something and only lost focus for THREE HOURS" Cordie Exclaims excitidly

"HAh! Get on my level, i have no need for sleep. water. Food! i can stand watch for ETERNITY!"

"Spidergirl and Sirenboy aren't coming" Cordie perks up as Jo says this, remembering something she wanted to ask her

"Hey Jo, by they way, If the sherrif position was open. what happened to the sheriff before death?" Cordie is very curious.

"I dunno, Shot. Bandits probably"

"Maybe he got eaten by wendigos or something?" Y/N Adds, and Jo continues, not minding Y/N's interruption

"no idea. the culprit was Never Caught." The camera zooms back in, Waylon in the middle of the room while Cordie, Jo and Y/N walk out in the foreground

"Fascinating" After Cordie says this. everything goes silent... as Waylon throws a cocky smirk towards the Camera:

Next time on Cliffside: The Wrath of the Desert Scourge

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Next time on Cliffside: The Wrath of the Desert Scourge.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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