Boundless Shadows

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What is darkness
what is the thing we all wanna fight
this creature we all want to vanquish
this phantom, ghost or demon we try so hard to exercise but who always returns for a reprise
Yet again we still fight and fight and fight some more
Like newbie stuck on level 4
We try so hard, believing that's nothing more than the first boss
In truths its something much much worse
What you believe is the big bad is merely a speck compared to true darkness
A pitch black realm where not even the brightest light can guide you
A realm so scary your nightmares pale in comparison
So sad you tears will never be enough
So overwhelming that you'll fall to yours knees and never be able to get up
Where you inner demons become down right behemoths
Where dreams go to do die and to be forgotten
Where sleep is non-existent
Where death, sorrow, anger, anguish and fear reign supreme with no challenger in existence capable of taking their thrown
That is true darkness
A beast so powerful and terrifying not even the fabled sword in the stone will help you
And for those who think that the darkness is your friend, you'll soon find out your only it's pawn
For this beast is no mere creature, it's a concept, a curse, an emotion
but worst of all it is Us

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