Pursuit Of The Void

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Freedom is not living without consequences 
Rather, it is living with and accepting consequences.
What a unique thing to say

A search older than the escapade for the Holy grail
A question pondered by many 
And Hated by more
A subject of interest for humanity 
As they looked for Freedom
In their infinite labyrinth that they built themselves 
An odyssey for inhumane liberation
A search that fuels humanity 
They ponder and rethink it over and over
In hope of finally seeing
In hope of release from there suffering.
In hopes to fuel their ludocris ideas and
Cunningly and Stupidly 
Be rid of human nature

The search for freedom is futile.
It's like searching for a pin in a labyrinth. 
Elusive and Impossible 
You already failed as soon as you make an effort.
As soon as the idea pops into your head
That pin moves
On and On
A perpetual curse of loss and delusion
Yet they go on, foolishly.

But, True Freedom cannot be found.
Like some toy in a kids' meal
True Freedom is attained
It is achieved 
It becomes reality
Not through a desperate search
Nor through divination or Evaluation.
True Freedom comes from nothing
It is born in a void
And remains in a void 
Out of reach of those who seek to obtain it

As the step to freedom is the step to redundancy
As freedom is not a goal
Freedom is loss.
Freedom is pain and numbness 
Freedom is a fall
Freedom is at the bottom of a cliff
A cliff where you are not welcomed 
A cliff whose people see you as a heretic
A place that humanity built
A place where everyone has glued their eyes shut
In fear of the sun

Everyone but those who cannot grab the glue
They are free because they are pushed off
They are free because they are different 
They are free because the sun hates and fears them

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