10 - A Raining Day: Spring Grove Asylum

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A low growl of thunder echoed as dark clouds loomed above, casting an opaque shadow on the dirt path while horse hooves reverberated through the misty air.

The pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the ground had mixed with the splashing of puddles as a rugged carriage trailed behind the horses. A flash of lightning reflected on the carriage's window as they continued on the soggy trail.

Amidst the rhythmic sound of rain and low growls of rumbling clouds clashing against each other, Arieshell traced her finger along the cold glass.

As Jacques glanced at Arieshell, he couldn't help but notice the look of concentration on her face as she delicately traced intricate shapes on the clear reflection covered with mist. It was as if she was weaving an invisible masterpiece with her fingertips.

"It's fun, isn't it?" he inquired.

Arieshell jumped back in her seat, startled at Jacques's sudden remark.

"Oh! Pardon me for disturbing you."

"No, no! It's alright. I was having fun playing with the window," Arieshell responded, not realizing she was jumping excitedly in her seat.

Jacques's lips curved into a grin. "I used to do that too, but in my captain's quarters on Sparrow."

He noticed how Arieshell listened intently to his words. Her eyes fixated on his. He heard the light sound of drops of rain hitting the carriage's roof. Silence entered as Jacques shifted slightly in his seat.

Jacques tilted his head as Gus's snores became deafening. He gave Arieshell a little grin.

"Blasted old man. He always knocks out on long carriage rides."

Arieshell giggled. "I think he likes them more than being on a ship."

Jacques laughed as he leaned back in his seat. He caught Belle's attention by the window; her eyes were on the scenery. As Jacques glanced at her, he couldn't help but notice how perfectly her posture aligned with her seat.

Her hands were clasped tightly in her lap as if holding onto something noteworthy. The way she carried herself exuded an air of confidence and poise that was truly enchanting.

"Are you nervous, Belle?" he asked.

Belle shook her head as if hauled out of a trance. "I'm sorry. What were you questioning?"

"Are you nervous or anxious?"

He caught her biting her lower lip.

"A little."

In the corner of his eye, Arieshell placed a hand on Belle's shoulder.

"What's worrying you so?" Arieshell questioned.

Belle let out a long sigh. "I am afraid that Armand is disappointed in me."

Jacques crossed his legs as he sat upward. Belle is afraid that Armand will be upset with her. He recalled when Belle confessed her involvement in Henry's plan to institutionalize Lou and Armand.

He shook his head, unsatisfied with Belle's response.

"You were used. Henry used you to make Armand vulnerable."

Jacques watched as Belle glanced at him with teary eyes. He looked at Belle with a sorrowful expression. Meanwhile, Arieshell observed her companions' concerns.

The carriage came to a halt, jolting Gus awake.

"I am up! What happened?"

"The carriage stopped," Jacques explained.

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