Summer in Italy

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I put on my burgundy heels and took a final look in the mirror. My light blue, long sundress and loose, wavy hair immediately put me in my holiday mood. For the first time this week. But nothing will stop me now to finally enjoy my last evening on this holiday in Italy. What was supposed to be a two day meeting with a client and a few days for myself quickly turned into a full week business trip. 

On top of that, my boss, mister Jones had been a pain. Always pestering me about some insignificant detail and never forgetting to point out any of my mistakes. Not that there were many. He's usually a strict man, but this week he'd just been difficult and moody, even for his standards. Six hours of sleep and two food breaks of one hour each. Who lives that way? And well, the lunch breaks were just awkward. It was like he didn't know what to say that was not related to work. After watching him struggle to find an appropriate conversation topic for far too long, I had tried asking him about his hobbies. Surprisingly, he did have time to go swimming often, he even competed when he was younger. I could've guessed from his shoulders though, he's basically built like a dorito. But there was only so much time one can spend talking about swimming so often, I just enjoyed the comfortable silence. 

During today's lunch break, I had finally put my foot down and told him that the work was done as good as it could ever be and that tonight, he could not expect me to work. Especially after all the long days he'd put me through in the last few days.  I am in Italy for god's sake! I need to enjoy the food, the sun and the sea. I opened my door determined. But when I reached the big hall downstairs, I saw mister Jones waiting on one of the couches. Quickly, I searched for the nearest exit but it was too late. He'd already spotted me. He stood and walked towards me. "Oh no", I mumbled "don't tell me any of the clients changed their minds. Please just tell me to enjoy the evening." He must've understood my facial expression since he said: "Don't worry, no more work tonight. I thought I would try to make up for these last few nights, actually." He started fidgeting with his hands. "Would you please join me for dinner tonight? I know a small traditional Italian restaurant I think you'd enjoy."

I looked him over hesitantly.

I had planned to go to a cozy restaurant and take a walk on the beach but he looked so hopeful. He looked very handsome and had clearly taken his time to get ready: the stubble he was sporting this afternoon was gone, his hair was messy in a good way and ... did he put on a new suit? Did he say I'd enjoy it? As far as I know (and I've known him for 2 years now), his ideas of fun are golf, looking at spreadsheets and swimming. But then again he was not dressed for any of those things.

"Alright", I answered. Just because I would like to eat at least one traditional meal while I'm here. His face lit up and he offered his arm. He led me outside, to a small restaurant not too far from the hotel. He said something in Italian to the waiter, who led us to a table on the terrace behind the building. The view was just breathtaking. The sun was low on the horizon, hovering over the sea and giving a beautiful deep pink haze to the sky. Then there was the beach at the bottom of the hill they were on, slowly merging into rocks that are being hit repeatedly by stubborn waves. "What an extraordinary view", I murmured. "Yeah", he agreed softly. I turned to look at him. But he was already looking at me, intently. I blushed and looked down. He pulled out my seat and as we sat down the waiter came over to take our orders. As I did not understand anything the waiter said, I told mister Jones to just order one of their suggestions, I'm not a picky eater. 

"Look", he said "I want you to know that I'm sorry for putting so much pressure on you this trip. I know I've been asking a lot and I'm sorry you missed out on experiencing Italy. I know you'd been looking forward to it." 

To say I was surprised would be an understatement, I didn't know what to say. He knew I was looking forward to it? And he APOLOGIZED?  

"Thanks?", I uttered. Stellar response, I know.

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