Blind date

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I checked my watch again. 6:58 PM. I'd been waiting in front of the bar for a few minutes but it started raining just now. Texting Dereck I'd go in already, I opened the door and welcomed the warmth and music in the bar. I looked around and picked a table at the side, it was not too close to the stage and the musicians, a bit calmer and dimly lit. I started getting a bit nervous and checked my makeup in my phone's camera. My red lipstick and eyeliner looked just as it did half an hour ago, luckily. "Hi, miss. How can I help you?", the waiter suddenly appeared next to her. Well, I could order something already, he'd probably be here soon anyway. "Can you recommend any of your cocktails? Something sweet?", I asked. "We have a great strawberry daiquiri I can recommend!" Hmm, that sounded good. "Yes one of those please! Thank you!"

I leaned back and examined the room. About three quarters of the tables were occupied. Some were friend groups, some couples but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. My best friend set up this date with one of her coworkers since 'I'm having a terribly boring love life and he's super hot', her words, not mine. She gave me his number and well, now I'm here. The waiter came with my drink, and I sighed. 7:24 PM. He hadn't texted anything since this afternoon. He hadn't even read the messages.

At 7:36 PM a man entered the bar. Could he be Dereck? I should've asked for any characteristics or an outfit to look out for. While he put away his umbrella, I studied him. I was in doubt, he didn't look like the type that Marissa would find hot. He was wearing a suit, not one of those that screamed 'business man' but more one of those 'professor' suits if you get what I mean. He also wore brown dress shoes, had light brown, wavy hair and sported a round pair of glasses. Apart from his oldish, classic style, he definitely was handsome. And after looking around for a second, he came straight for me.

"I'm sorry I'm a little late." I smiled, at least he apologized. He continued:"But you look gorgeous Rebecca, it's nice to meet you!" Wait a second. Rebecca? 

"Oh, uhm, I think you are looking for someone else. I'm not Rebecca. And I suspect you're not Dereck?" What a coincidence. It was a pity though, I would not complain, having this guy as my date. "Oh", he said, scratching his head. He looked around, confused. Just when it was starting to become awkward, his phone rings. He picks up the phone. "Hi, Arthur here... yeah, I'm at the bar... Oh, okay... Well thanks for letting me now... Yeah, I love you, bye." He sighs and turns to me. "I'm sorry for the confusion. I was supposed to go on a blind date with one of my sister's friends but apparently, she took back her cheating ex. So I guess this is what it feels like to be stood up", he grinned awkwardly. "I know how that feels", I smiled, "I was supposed to go on a blind date with a guy at 7! And he didn't let anything know even! I'd already ordered a drink and I like the music, so I just decided to stay for a bit, but I think I'm going home..." 

I sighed. I could see the pity swimming in his eyes. His rich brown eyes, they were so bright, almost golden. "Don't", he said. "Stay, we both prepared for a date so we might as well take the opportunity, don't you think?" He had a half-smile, showing a dimple in his left cheek. "Sure", I said, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks.

He sat down, took his blazer off and rolled up his sleeves. I don't know why, but a guy dressed up nicely with his sleeves rolled up gets me feeling certain things. And especially this one. I tried to focus on his face instead of his broad shoulders. "So", he said, "what's your name then, since it's not Rebecca?" Good, I need some conversation to distract me. "Emily, and yours?" "Arthur"

Before an awkward silence could spread, the waiter appeared again. "I see your date has arrived, would you like to order something?", he asked. Oof, this waiter was throwing Arthur a dirty side eye. "A whiskey please", he answered, staying polite but I could see a smirk coming. The waiter nodded and looked at me: "Anything else? The same again?" I'd just finished my strawberry daiquiri but it was a really good one. "I'll take the same again", I answered. "Sure thing", he nodded, and he winked at me. He winked.

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