맞닥뜨리다 -34

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"Baby, where do you want to go?" asks Jimin, looking at the cute baby in his arms.

"Park?" says Jungkook, looking at his daddy with his big eyes.

"Yay! Yay! Tae love parks!" exclaims Taehyung, happily.

"Alright. Kookie, you shouldn't run much though, alright?" says Yoongi, taking the baby from Jimin's arms to his.

Jungkook pouts and whines.

Seokjin looks at Jungkook and smiles. "Kookie, I will be with you. I won't run so I can be with you!"

"Yay! Jinie Hyung be with Kookie!" he says, happily, as Yoongi puts the baby down who immediately runs to Seokjin and holds his hand.

"Ya! Plus I don't want to run a lot!" says Seokjin, holding his teeny tiny hand.

"And why is that, Jinie?" asks Jimin, smiling softly at him.

"I don't know!" exclaims Seokjin, smiling up at him.

"Now go?" asks Taehyung, who is waiting impatiently to go.

"Ya. Let's go now, Impatient Tae." says Yoongi.

"What dat mean?" asks Taehyung, as he crosses his arms over his chest and looking at his appa with his chin raised a bit.

"Impatient?" Yoongi asks as Taehyung nods. "It means that you just can't stay still and wait."

"Oh ya. Dat is Tae." says Taehyung, eyeing his appa from his head to toes in a sassy way.

"You are so Min Jimin." says Yoongi, facepalming himself.

"Aww. He is so like me!" says Jimin, eye smiling at his cute baby.

"Cause Tae love daddy more than appa." says Taehyung, shooting his famous rectangular smile.

Yoongi just rolls his eyes at that. "Alright, do you want to go to the park or not?"

"Parkie park park!" Taehyung, giggles.

"Let's go now, babies." says Jimin, holding Seokjin's tiny hand who is still holding onto Kookie's little hand.

They walk over to a nearby park and Yoongi and Jimin sit down on a bench but the ones with a table and under a shed so the sun won't hit them. They watch as the little ones go play in the park that is close to where they are sitting.

Yoongi and Jimin just talk. Yoongi mostly flirts while holding his hand making Jimin shoot his signature eye smile.

"I can't wait to get married to you, Chim." says Yoongi, caressing his hand.

"You can't say that because you haven't even proposed!" says Jimin, frowning.

"True. . I will someday though!" says Yoongi, shooting his gummy smile.

"You better." says Jimin, scrunching up his nose and shaking his head hard making his hair go all over the place.

"Let me fix your hair." says Yoongi, as he sits next to him and fixes his hair making him look soft and like an angel.

"Do I look good?"



Both Jimin and Yoongi turn around to the other voice. Jimin is confused on who the person is and just looks at him confused. But people die of cuteness when he looks confused. Yoongi is just annoyed at the person here. He didn't want him to know about his family. He frowns.

"I see. Yoongi, is this your cute boyfriend?" asks the person, as he takes his hand out of his pockets and proceeds to hold the still confused boy's hand.

Our Tiny(?) Family {Yoonmin} ✅️ Where stories live. Discover now