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We spent about ten more minutes in the room, some people were still searching for a way out, others, like Laura and the mystery guy, stayed where they were. Jonas kept replaying the tape over and over again, "...One is inside the safe in front of you. You all possess the combination to the safe. Think hard. The numbers are in the back of your mind."

"Delilah, do you know about this gas? And this Jigsaw guy?" Daniel asked me. He knew about my interest in becoming a crime journalist, me having often relayed cases I've studied to him. When I was younger I wanted to be a detective, but, well, I quickly learned that detectives aren't always the good guys.

"Yeah, um, the Tokyo Subway attacks ended in 12 civilian casualties," I tried to recall from my memory, I tended to focus my research on America, "Jigsaw, is a proxy killer, technically, he uses torture devices, traps, that kind of stuff to kill people who he thinks took life for granted. Interestingly, he never called himself Jigsaw, the press and cops monikered that from the puzzle piece of skin he would carve out of the bodies of his victims, which is why I always say that the press shouldn't glamorize-" I paused as I realized I started talking super fast about the topic and it was probably too much information.

"Wow you sure know a lot," Amanda noticed.

"Yeah," I looked at the ground, "I want to be a crime journalist."

"Well, lucky you, this is your big break." She said sarcastically.

"I worry about you sometimes," Daniel smiled lightly. I smiled back, both of them didn't reach our eyes, we were scared.

Suddenly I heard a buzzing and a click, everyone turned and saw the door swing open.

"Shit," I heard Addison mumble.

Xaiver grabbed a baseball bat with spikes on it and was the first person to stick his head out of the room, looking down the hall both ways and stepping out. Once he was confident no one was there he immediately went right.

"Hey, wait a minute, where do you think you're going?" Jonas called out after him.

"I'm gonna get an antidote and then I'm gonna get the hell out of here," he said. The thing with Xaiver is, as I quickly realized, he never just says something like most people. It's always in a mocking, rude, or angry tone. He tried a door, but it was locked.

"What? Antidote? You been in the joint. You talked to the guards that run the chambers. You know there ain't no antidote for this shit." Jonas protested.

"Look at this," he banged on the walls, "It's wood, plaster. This is a house, not a fortress. And I'm getting out of here."

We watched him walk down the hallway. "Shouldn't we stick together, have a game plan?" Daniel asked Amanda, hesitantly.

"Yeah, isn't that the number one rule in scary movies?" I added.

"Yeah," Jonas said, overhearing me, "Let's go."

The hallway led to stairs and then the main entrance. There was a door with the words "EXIT" written in red paint over the white wood. There was also a rug, couches, and dressers with two open doorways on either side of the entrance leading to other parts of the house. Daniel and I sat on the stairs, watching apprehensive as Xaiver used the key on the door. It was no use, it didn't work.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed in disappointment.

"Well, we've established that the macho-bullshit approach isn't opening the door." Addison rolled her eyes.

"Look who's talking," Xaiver sneered.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Addison stood up.

THERE WILL BE BLOOD || DANIEL MATTHEWS ||Where stories live. Discover now