Chapter One: Cellophane

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Sirius slowly opened his eyes as his alarm went off, heaving a sigh as he sat up and stretched before rubbing his hands over his face with a displeased groan. It had been so long since he last had that dream- not since he found the Kragle, at least. "God, I must really be lonely if I'm dreaming about them again," he grumbled to himself as he forced himself out of his cozy bed. It was getting harder to do, anymore. He shuffled through his morning routine, just going through the motions at this point.

The original Octan Tower had finally been torn down, and it was a massive relief to no longer see it looming in the distance. Part of it had been reused to build the new 'Tower' in Bricksburg, though Tower was something of a misnomer as it wasn't much taller than any of the other buildings in the city. He'd been living there for a month now, in his penthouse at the top. He thought it would feel like home, moving back in, but... The place was just so empty. It barely even looked lived in, his robot butler Edwin did such a fantastic job of keeping up the place. Benny's apartment had been almost impeccably neat too, but at least it had the feeling of someone residing there, with all his odd little knick-knacks, and throw blanket that never could seem to stay folded.

Benny's apartment also had the added bonus of another human being. He felt so isolated now. His friends that had remained in Bricksburg had done a pretty good job of meeting up with him on a regular basis at first, but with their jobs picking up and their relationships getting more serious, he'd become more of an afterthought. Forgotten, left by the wayside. Just generally unimportant to anyone. He hadn't seen Benny since he moved into the new Tower; he hadn't seen the others for even longer. The only reason the Cops even still came to see him was because they worked for him.

He paused in the doorway of his closet, running his collection of ties through his fingers. Red, red, red, more red. He debated taking the day off; he really just wasn't feeling it today, but he knew he'd have nothing to do but stew over how miserable he was, otherwise. Not like his friends could just drop everything to keep him company. So he forced himself to get dressed and made his way down to his office.

He was greeted by Velma the moment he stepped out of the elevator. She immediately began to rattle off the reports for the day, though he barely listened. It was nothing new. Octan's profits were slowly rebuilding after the devastating hit they took over the summer, and Bricksburg's trust in him was slowly coming back. Emmet had helped, of course, but he liked to think it had more to do with him restoring order in the city after the Master Builders' disastrous attempts at reintegrating.

Sirius took the offered newspaper and mail and all but locked himself in his office, glad to be away from her- from all the robots still working under him, really. How had he never found their constant marching so disturbing before? He really needed to do some overhauls. Or hire some actual people.

Good  Cop sighed to himself, mind wandering as they sat in their car for a  short coffee break

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Good Cop sighed to himself, mind wandering as they sat in their car for a short coffee break. It felt like their group was drifting apart. He was certain it had been nearly a month since they had their usual Tuesday coffee gathering, and he couldn't remember the last time they had seen Metalbeard or Unikitty. Unikitty's silence was especially perplexing- sure, they knew she was busy still rebuilding Cloud Cuckooland, but she always made time for her friends. So what was keeping her? It was starting to feel like their responsibilities were taking over their lives, and he was especially worried about Sirius- when was the last time anyone other than them had checked on him?

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