Chapter Two: Hotel California

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As the week continued on, they began to hear of the other realms receiving similar invitations. The internet was buzzing with excitement, many people eager to meet the residents of the new realm, and speculating what they would be like. "See? I told you it would be fine," Sirius said as Bad Cop relaxed.

Unikitty, on the other hand, became more and more anxious, the closer to Halloween it got. "I'm serious about this, you guys," she told them on more than one occasion. "I don't think Halloween Night is going to be quiet this year." Between her and Keelan's persistence, Good Cop was starting to share their concern.

I don't think it's just superstitious nonsense, he said. Vitruvius did warn me that opening that Gate might release other things back into the world. We shouldn't be so quick to write off her intuition, you know she's more sensitive to such things than most.

"Fine, I'll bring the crowbar. Will that make you happy?"

No, but I do feel a little better. Thank you.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do to convince you to stay?" Unikitty pouted the day before they were due to leave.

Good Cop rubbed her ears. "You know how Sir gets- once he's got something in his mind, he goes for it. And he's been too excited about this to back down. And honestly... I'm not sure I want to try to stop him. We haven't seen him this upbeat since Atlantis."

"I understand," she sighed, leaning into the scritches. "You guys will at least go prepared, right?"

"Certainly. We've got an old iron crowbar we've held onto, for just-in-case situations like these. I tried to convince Cary to let me pack some salt too, but he wouldn't have it." Good Cop grinned, trying to put her at ease.

"I just really worry about you guys, okay? Now that I know how nice Bad Cop really is, and how much fun you are, and how much of a sweetie Keelan is, I'd be really sad if anything happened to you! You're my friends!"

"It'll be okay, 'Kitty. We have twelve very good reasons to come back in one piece."

Unikitty managed a smile. "Am I one of them?"

"You most certainly are."

"Eee!" She nuzzled him, mindful of her horn. "Okay. I suppose I can trust you to look out for yourselves," she teased. "And for Busy and Keelan."

Bad Cop switched out, grunting at her. "We've managed just fine so far."

"I know, but that's what friends do. They worry about each other, right?"

"If you say so."

"I do say so." She licked his nose, grinning when he made a face and grumbled "ugh, cat spit" as he rubbed it off.

"Why don't you ever do that to Alastar?"

"Cause you're the one that makes such a big fuss about it," she giggled. "Thanks, guys. I feel better now. You'll really be okay?"

"We'll be fine, you really don't have to worry."


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