Chapter Fifteen: All Is Hell That Ends Well

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"Remind me never to get on your bad side," Lucy remarked as Good Cop handed Vitruvius back his staff. He simply smiled at her before moving to check on Sirius.

Benny dropped what was left of the crowbar and threw himself at Bad Cop. The officer grunted as the action put uncomfortable pressure on some of his injuries, but he wrapped his arms around the spaceman nonetheless, holding him tightly.

"I was so scared I was gonna lose you," Benny murmured into his shirt, clinging to him. "When I heard Alastar scream, and then that laugh... It all came flooding back, and all I could think was 'I gotta get to B'."

"For a while there, I thought you were going to lose me too," Bad Cop admitted. He pressed a kiss to Benny's head. "But I'm still here, Bluebird, and I have no intention of going anywhere for a long time."

"Unikitty, do you think you could come heal Sirius before he passes out on us?" Good Cop called out to her.

"I can try," she answered, padding over to them. "I don't have much energy left, I kinda used a lot in that fight and putting Metalbeard back together... But I think I can get the worst of it, at least."

"I may have to stop adventuring with you all," Sirius murmured. "So far I'm two for two on being seriously hurt... Heh, Siriusly hurt..." He giggled until he snorted. "Ow, it hurts to laugh..."

Good Cop smiled. "I think you'll be just fine, if you're capable of making bad jokes."

"Oh..." He relaxed as Unikitty leaned over him, her horn glowing softly, and the worst of his wounds began to knit themselves back together. "Thank you, that's much better..." Unikitty only hummed in response before the glow sputtered out, and she sat down, hard.

"Ooh, I feel dizzy now..."

"You did good, 'Kitty," Good Cop praised, reaching over to gently stroke her head.

"Oh baby, your poor face," Lucy crooned as she inspected Emmet's cut. "That's definitely going to need stitches. But it should heal without much scarring."

He attempted to smile, and flinched at the pain it caused. "Hey, at least my face won't be so generic anymore, right?" he joked.

"Emmet," she sighed. "I love your face, now shush. Bruce, are you alright?"

"It's nothing an ice pack won't fix, the armor took the worst of it."

"Dick, you're not hurt, are you?"

"I-I'm fine," the boy sniffled.

"Hey. Blue."

Benny glanced up as Bruce approached him. "Yeah? -Ow!" he yelped as Bruce swatted him upside the head.

"Don't swear in front of my kid."

"Oh. Right. Uh." He gave Dick an apologetic grin. "Forget you heard that, yeah?" Dick giggled softly.

Keelan finally managed to peel himself away from Metalbeard's side, and tottered his way over to Good Cop, clinging to his brother. "Shh," Good Cop soothed, holding him close. "I've got you."

"I'm s-sorry- I tried-"

"I know you did your best," Good Cop shushed him.

"Are you hurt really bad?" Benny asked, taking in the way Bad Cop was shifting uncomfortably, and realized he was probably putting some painful pressure on his injuries with his tight grip. He relaxed his arms.

"It's fine, Ben. They'll heal. Are you okay?"

"The thing with the Ringmaster?" Bad Cop nodded. "I... honestly don't know, B. That was a whole can of worms I wasn't prepared for. But I'm glad he's finally been dealt with." He paused in realization. "Oh stars. You guys are- are you going to be okay like this?! This isn't gonna be June all over again, is it??"

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