Chapter 15

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August by Taylor Swift

Chaeyoung and Mina were all over each other Sunday night inside the later's car just a block down from the girl's house. Mina lured her out only because she wanted to hear Chaeyoung. They ended up fogging up all the windows with their sweat filled bodies extended in the back seats. On Monday night, Chaeyoung drove to Mina's house after work. She was welcomed with a glass of wine that stayed half way filled up as they wandered each other's bodies in the dark.

That night, Chaeyoung ended up sneaking back in through her window at 4am for only half an hour of good sleep. When her alarm went off, she groaned dramatically knowing she was about to ditch at least half of her classes. She didn't have it in her to stay awake and function for that long. It had been the third night in a row that Mina kept her up doing wonderful things to her.

"Chaeyoung!" Her friends greeted her.

For a moment her heart sunk. Just the way it did the previous day. Chaeyoung couldn't gather the courage to tell them about Mina yet, she didn't have it in her to see their faces of disappointment.

"What is up!" She did her best to be enthusiastic, and ultimately failed.

"Damn" Chaewon laughed. "Rough morning?"

Chaeyoung had been kissing Mina's back that morning. Her face was being crushed in between her soft thighs reminding her of how sweet Mina tasted.

"I didn't get much sleep"

"Neither did I" Chaewon smiled at them. "I was out all night with Minju"

Yunjin and Chaeyoung hyped her up as they listened to her spill the romantic details.

They walked to their classes each taking a separate route. Chaeyoung put her headphones on and let the day fly by. She spent her off block with her friends with holding the need to tell them about Mina. And during lunch, the six of them went to the pizza parlor they had grown to love sharing their pens down busy streets.

At work, Chaeyoung clocked in and began counting down the hours until she'd get to leave. Because that meant seeing Mina for the fourth night in a row. Her mind didn't have a place for Mina until she was done with all the things she needed to do. But sometimes, she slipped by and reminded Chaeyoung that the clock was ticking.

During her break, she sat with Hoseok and told him everything. Unlike her friends, he didn't force any opinion on her nor put anything in her mind. Chaeyoung could tell him anything, and he would be unfaced.

"I think" He said breathing out a cloud of smoke. "Just do whatever you want. What does it matter? I don't see why not."

Chaeyoung was more than happy to listen, because it was exactly what she wanted to hear. For the rest of her shift, she did what she needed to do and was out the doors as soon as she was done counting her tips. When she stepped into her car, she finally looked at her phone. A smile painted her face at the sight of the message she was hoping to be awaiting her.

*Come over after work*

As she typed her response, Chaeyoung savored lips with a smile. After that, she played her music, rolled down the windows and turned it up. The way to Mina's house was even further from her job, it added up to a 20 minute drive. It was long, Chaeyoung was tired but there wasn't a highway she wouldn't drive to to touch Mina.

Plus, Mina's bed was much more comfortable than her own. And on top of that, the past three times had all been either in Chaeyoung's room or near her side of the city. It was the girl's guilt that offered the drive.

Chaeyoung walked up the stairs and rung the doorbell standing before the two tall doors. After a few moments, one of them peered open and Chaeyoung walked inside. Mina wore a white robe with her black hair down, it looked just dried with some strands wet.

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