Chapter 20

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Waking with a light pounding, Chaeyoung checked the bright screen of her phone filled with messages. She only knew to check because the multiple vibrations had interrupted her sleep. In the warmth of her sheets she responded to the brunch plans agreeing to meet with the girls there. After that, she hurried into the shower and stood beneath the nearly boiling water recalling what she could rememeber from her previous night.

Chaeyoung had gotten tipsy even before heading to the bar. Every moment with Mina felt like a foggy glimpse. There wasn't a sentence she had fully captured and not one that she had spoken and wasn't slurred. Her heart raced as she collected faint brief interchanges. She recalled sippin on her glass cups, the burning sensation of her face whenever Mina looked at her, and the way they sat so close.

She remembered kissing her.

Her heart sunk at the thought of seeing her friends. She even felt guilty when her mother asked about the date, the twins were so intrigued Chaeyoung could only pretend she'd be going on a second date.How else could she explain her flushing cheeks and toothful smile?

On her way to brunch, Chaeyoung argued with herself on whether or not to tell her friends. Inside the warmly lit restaurant, Chaeyoung sat in a booth facing the other two who reviewed the menu. They ordered mimosas and got seconds before their meals arrived. In between their conversations, the cocktails and Chaeyoung's obvious guilt, the two cornered her.

"Okay" Chaeyoujg sighed looking down at her two slices of French toast remaining. Her eyes observed the bananas and strawberries glazed in chocolate sauce. She'd do anything to shut her mouth with a bite. "I did go on a date with Yeji. But ugh! Before that she came to my window and-"

Chaewon put a hand up. "Hold up. Yeji came to your window?"

"No" Chaeyoung looked at Yunjin who immediately understood.

"Oh!" The ginger straightened herself. "Mina!? What happened to not seeing her anymore?"

Chaewon looked between them. "How long have you been seeing her? I thought it was long over??"

Yunjin sipped her mimosa giving Chaeyoung the floor. "It's complicated okay. We were supposed to stop seeing each other. And we did but then, she came to my window one night.."

"She's been to your window more than once?" Chaewon couldn't believe it as she interrupted. "Thats crazy, what the hell! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it wasn't anything until last night"

Chaewon now sipped attempting to ease herself. Chaeyoung did the same feeling the itching in her throat knowing she had more to say.

"What happened??" Yunjin urged leaning in.

"I don't know! I thought she was in fucking Japan but she came to my window and like, I don't know she clearly didn't want me going on that date, but I ended up kicking her out" she paused to look at their curious faces. "I came home and texted her because again, I don't know!" She exclaimed.

Chaewon slowly nodded. "Okay, okay. Rich girl flew across the world to stop you from seeing another girl? That's fucking crazy"

"Whatever. We went to this bar and then she told me we should stop seeing other people"

"What?!" Yunjin gaped so loudly she had to lower her head knowing heads turned. "Now that's fucking insane . She just said that?"

Chaeyoung shifted in her seat taking a bite off her fork. "Well sort of." She looked back up to them. "And, I said yes, and then she asked me on a date, and I said yes and I'm seeing her tonight" 

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