Chapter 1 The bucket trap: What really should happen

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At the Man Cave

Ray and Henry just got back from a serious job they had to capture a guy that was trap in a helicopter and had to help the guy out.

Charlotte stayed at the Man Cave doing her job while she herd Henry and Ray come down the tube and look at Henry and Ray

C:"Hey guys, did you help the guy that was trap in the helicopter."


C:"What, why???"

R: "Because, when we got there with our own helicopter we saw the man going down and he crashed and landed in a lake"

C: "Did you guys at least help him get out."


H:"I did get it on camera."

R: "Classic"

Henry and Ray both laugh

C: "It's not funny guys,You have to take this seriously."

R:"OK, we well."

C: "Good."

H: (Got a text message) "Ugh that like the 5th time."

R: "About."

C: "Oh, its just our friend Jasper he is keep on texting us and I just got like 4 text message from him."

H: "Yeah."

R: "Doesn't he have any other friends."

H: "No only us."

C: "I feel bad for him because we haven't been hanging out with him all weekend because me and Henry work for you after school."

H: "That's why we should tell him that I am kid danger."

R: "No, way."


R:"Because what happen's if you tell him and the next day he we'll tell the whole school and then it will spread and bad guys know about us and try and find the Man Cave and blow this place up and they we'll find out who we are and everyone knows we are super hero's"

C: "Geese's its just a question."

R: "We'll it not going to happen."

H: "We'll we can make a plan."

C: "Oh, I know."

H: "What."

C:"We can make up a fake secret and tell Jasper and if he can keep it for 1 week and if tells someone we can't tell him the secert and if he doesn't then we have to tell him the secert."

H:"Problem solve."

R: "What are you guys talking about!"

C: "Look we make a fake secert and Jasper has to try and keep it and if he doesn't we won't tell him the secert there a little more clear for you. "

R: "OK, fine but I get to make the fake secert."

H: "Fine what's the secert."

C: "What Henry said."

R: "But first I am hungry can we get lunch."

H: "Sure I well drive."

R: "I call shotgun."

C: "Oh, no you don't."

R:"Watch me." (Ray ran up to the tube and yelled up the tube)

C: "What no far."(Charlotte then ran up the tube and yelled up the tube)

H:"Guys wait for me." (Henry then ran up the tube and yelled up the tube)

Ray and Henry and Charlotte went to get lunch they all got chinesse food and came back to the Man Cave and had their lunch there.

At the Man Cave again

Ray and Charlotte and Henry eating their food at the table

H: "So have you made up a fake secert yet."

R: "No, not yet let me enjoy my food." (Eating a egg roll)

H: "I want one pass me an egg roll please."

C: "There you go." (Pass him a egg roll)

H: "Thanks." (Starts eating his egg roll)

C: (Charlotte eating her rice and Noddles)

R: "Why do you guys want to tell Jasper your secert now."

H: "Because we haven't told him in 5 years."

R: "It been that long."Wow."

C:"Yeah." (Scatastic)

R:"Well then I made up a fake secert then."

H:"Which is."

C: "I want to hear shut up Henry."

H: "Rude much."

C: "Oh, no you didn't."

Henry and Charlotte starts a argument

R: "Guys shut up."

Henry and Charlotte looks at Ray

R: "I have your fake secert to tell you guys you want to known or not."

H: "Which is."

R: "You and Charlotte are boyfriend and girlfriend." (Smirks)

Henry and Charlotte look at each other



Henry then looks at Charlotte and said hey.


Hey guys I hope you love it I know its like the bucket trap but I am going to write how it should happen it well be different I know some parts are the same like the real bucket trap and I well update soon and I well do things different like how I do my writing and editing and I hope you love it so I well update ASAP.

And follow please

Feels good


Question of the day
What is your fav character on henry danger

My favorite character is Henry and Charlotte ♥

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