Chapter 4

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One month later

"Bonjour! Que puis-je vous offrir aujourd'hui ?" *hello,What can I offer you today* Madyson  asked looking up from her computer screen to continue working. "que faites-vous ici? comment vas-tu? est-ce que l'école se passe bien?" * What are you doing here? How are you? Is school going well??*

Charles asked rambling out not expecting to Madyson at a random bakery in Monaco, "Charles! Also I didn't understand any of that... my French is very limited" Mads replied smiling. "Sorry, I just didn't expect to see you here..." Charles said softly apologising for his French ramble, "well, I did tell you thst monaco was very small and you would see me if you wanted to" "I definitely wanted to" he said giving a little nod of confirmation.

"So what did you want to get today?" Mads asked moving to the shelves of pastries, "just a plain croissant please, and a date with you" Charles replied with a smug smile on his face. "What if I say no?" Mads counted back trying to rile him up, "then I would remind you at I owe you dinner anyway" Charles said having the upper ground. "Fine, where and when?" Mads said pretending to be mad about it but in truth she was blushing and giggling inside.

"6 o'clock, I'll pick you up. But for that I need your number so you can send your location." A cheeky smile crept his way onto his face as he knew she would give your number now, still pretending to be reluctant Mads grabbed his phone and put her number in. "Thank- you named yourself weatherman!" Charles said not able to control his giggling fit, "what should wear tonight?" Mads asked trying to stay serious. "Just be comfortable, nothing fancy... but you look beautiful in anything." The blush started creeping onto her face but before it could engulf her another customer walked in.

"Go, I need to work Leclerc" Mads said as she gave him his croissant and pushed his chest a bit, it caused him to pretend to stumble back and clutch his chest like he was hurt. Before turning around and walking out the door he trip on his own feet and actually stumbled a bit almost falling over! "Ha Karma" Mads giggled at him as he finally left, letting her self smile for a bit and wave at him through the window before turning to the new customer.

Outfit reference

(I couldn't find anything on Pinterest of what I meant so this is a photo of my own clothes lol)

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(I couldn't find anything on Pinterest of what I meant so this is a photo of my own clothes lol)

After 30 minutes of deciding what to wear Mads finally decided on a pair of loose shorts that were maybe a bit short but it was fine and a cute blue crop top as it was still warm outside and Charles had said casual. Before she could even have time to second guess her choice she heard Charles honk his car horn, quickly grabbing her phone and running downstairs forgetting her hoodie. Opening the front door was normal a challenge as it was a bit rusty but she was so excited she flew it open and as she stepped onto the pavement she had to remind herself to calm down.

As she looked up she was met with Charles leaning on the side of his beautiful ferrari with grey sweatpants and a back t -shirt on. "Malady" he said bowing extravagantly and helping her into the car, "why thank you kind sir" Mads thanked giggling as Charles closed the door behind her and ran to get in his side.

Starting the car and driving off they drove in a comfortable silence Charles's hand softly caressing the inside of her leg, it was a 10 minute drive to their destination, "Charles? Where are we?" Mads asked getting out the car and walking to him. "Follow me" Charles said ignoring the question and leading Mads into the house.

"Welcome to my house, I didn't want to take you to a restaurant because I didn't want people to interrupt us or invade your privacy." Charles explained moving further into the house. "So I thought I could cook you dinner and then we could watch Netflix or just talk." Charles explained going quite at the end of his sentence as if he was embarrassed of the idea, "I love that idea" Mads said quickly to shut down his doubts and walked to the kitchen to sit on one of the bar stools.

"So Chef Leclerc, what are you making me for dinner?" Mads questioned sceptically not to sure of Charles ability, "well I am making you lasagna, but I'm going to be honest I've never made it before." "Do you want help?" Mads asked "no! You just sit there and look pretty for me." Charles interrupted softly determined to make this date perfect.

30 min later

Mads and Charles were talking the whole time while Charles prepared the food but suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a loud curse from Charles, "Merde! Non non non non.. come on Charles" Mads heard from the other side of the kitchen. "Charles? What's wrong?" She inquisitively asked moving out her chair deeper into the kitchen to try and find out what happened.

What she didn't expect to see was the oven left half open and Charles sitting on the floor with his head in his hands, "Charles?" Mads whispered softly moving to sit next to him on the floor, "what's wrong?" "I messed up everything! I burned the food... I'm sorry I ruined our date" he said looking up apologetically at Mads.

"Cha you didn't ruin anything. I've had an amazing night so far, so what you burned the food we can order food... I don't come here for food. I came for you" Mads said cupping his face in her hands, instead of replying Charles moved his hands softly to her neck bringing her lips to crash down on his.

His kiss wasn't hard but it was passionate, Mads lips moulding to his, the two of them finally broke apart to get air Mads noticed Charles had pulled her into his lap her legs now straddling him. "Come, let's order some pasta from that restaurant down the road," Mads said getting up and pulling Charles with her.

They both order their pasta and decided to lay on the balcony couch, "the view, it's so beautiful" Mads exclaimed her eyes wondering through the pink and red sunset, "yea it is" Charles whispered replied while looking at Mads. "OH MY GOD! CHARLES MARC HERVE PERCIVAL LECLERC! PLEASE TELL ME YOU DID NOT JUST USE THE MOST CLICHE LNE EVER" she giggle shouted rolling around on the couch.

"I'm sorry but it's true... ur beautiful" Charles replied pulling her closer to him on the couch but then suddenly there was a loud knock on the door, "saved by the door" Mads said cheaply before walking off to the front door. They both got their food and decided to eat outside and sit on the couch again.

"You cold?" Charles asked as they were both about to finish their meals "yea, when the sun goes down it gets cold, I need to get used to this Monaco weather" Mads replied before shoving the last bite of pasta in her mouth. "Here, put this on" Charles said slightly muffled as he pulled his hoodie over his head, "Cha really it's fine. Mads said showing his hand with the hoodie away.

"M, please. I really I am fine and if I get cold I'll go get one from my room but your cold now so take it." Charles pleaded "okay, thank you" Mads said pulling his hoodie over her head engulfing herself in his sent. "M? That's a new one" Mads said after sorting herself out, "Cha? That's a new one too" Charles countered making Mads give him a small shove on his shoulder.

"Shut up... it just fits" Mads mumbled "ditto" he replied before getting up and taking their empty food trays away. After that they decided to talk a bit before driving Mads home. "Let me give you your hoodie back. Madyson said as Charles helped her out the car at her house, "no, you keep it. That way you have to see me again" Charles chuckled walking her to the front door.

"Is this your way of asking me on a second date?" Mads asked slightly cocking head sideways. "Yes it is... so is that a yes?" Charles asked "yes cha" Mads said playfully pulling Charles into a soft kiss. "Good night Madyson" charnels said as he turned around to his car  "good night Charles" she replied before stepping into her house.

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