Chapter 14

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Madyson POV

"So Mads, tell us about family?" Pascale asked taking a bite of her food. "Um, My moms name is Victoria but everyone calls her Vicki... and I haven't spoken to my dad since I was 7 but my stepdad, Cameron is like a dad to me." I said smiling softly at her before answering. Today Pascale invited everyone for a family lunch at a restaurant by the bay to celebrate Charles win yesterday.

"What happened to your dad? Did he die?" Arthur asks from the other side of the table, this boy really doesn't have a filter. "Arthur!" Lorenzo scolded his little brother slightly slapping him on the arm, "oh, um no it's okay... my parents got divorced and he left and I guess just never came back" I mumbled slightly, the guilt from lying already consuming me. But I couldn't tell them, no. What would they think of me? I haven't even told Charles... and I'm not planing on it.

"Oh I'm sorry" Arthur replied looking down awkwardly at his food probably feeling bad about asking. "It's good, don't worry" I quickly exclaimed, it wasn't his fault, he didn't know. Cara being the life saver she is decided to change the topic and started asking Lorenzo how his business was going, the rest of the table joining the conversation.

While everyone else talked about Lorenzo, I silently sat there, guilt destroying me, normally I'm fine to lie about my dad but not to people I care about, people I love.... Suddenly I became aware I was not the only person who was not partaking in the conversation. Charles's hand squeezed my thigh to gain my attention, his eyes fulled with worry and simply.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad? Whenever I asked about your parents you either avoided the topic or talked about your mom... you okay?" he whisper into my ear, his breath warming up my neck, a small hint of hurt in his voice. Fuck! He probably things I don't trust him.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like talking about it, I'm okay i swear, I don't let him affect me anymore" I whisper back to him, trying to convince him with a soft smile. "Mon cœur, just promise you will tell me if I need to know something?" "Promise" I replied trying to sound as confident as possible. That was a lie, there was a lot he needed to know but I never plan on telling him.

"Okay" he said placing his one hand on my cheek, pulling my face to his. His soft lips kissing my temple before moving to my ear, "je t'aime mon cœur" he mumbled into my skin through the kiss. "I love you too" i countered messing his hair up a bit as he moved to lean back in his chair.

Liar! Lair! Lair!

That's all that was going though my brain, lair. Charles has been nothing but perfect and what am I? I fucking lying bitch. I started to feel hot, and uncomfortable. I didn't really feel like taking part in conversation right now do I just decided to talk my phone out.

10 missed calls from mom? 19 missed called from Phoenix? What the hell? immediately putting my code in and opening messages I saw almost 10 people had sent me the same news article... "no" I mumbled so softly no one would hear me.

Again and again my eyes scanned the article, no it was impossible, they wouldn't do that, no! My mind going over it again and again, tears forming in my eyes every second. Fuck I need to get out of here, now. "I'll be back now, I'm just going to the bathroom" i said immediately standing up and walking away knowing I couldn't hold my tears for much longer.

I got half way to the door, half way before my lungs started to close up and water started falling from my eyes. I needed to get out, I ran straight out the restaurant straight across the road into some little ally. Finally alone I let the tears flow, my hand covering my mouth so no one passing would hear my sobs.

"Miss me?" A familiar voice asked from behind me sending chills down my spine, causing me to immediately straighten up and whip my head around. "Get the fuck away from me" I said, I meant to scream it but fear consumed my voice. "No, you owe me a life stupid girl" the person said again before a strong arm wrapped around my throat.

"Scream and I'll kill you" they said but before I could reply they continued, "So, this is how it's gonna work. Your not going to tell anyone about this, your going to go back to your rich little boyfriend and pretend everything is fine. And in 2 weeks I want the money! So go suck up to your driver boyfriend and get me my 10k and we'll see if I feel like letting you live... not that you deserve it after destroying everything." they replied anger laced in their voice.

"What if I don't get the money?" I knew it was dumb to ask, deep down I knew the answer already. "Well then Ferrari boy will pay the price, now get to work!" they whisper shouted before disappearing. The thought of anyone hurting Charles made me physically hurt, I couldn't do that to him.. use him. And I sure as fuck wasn't going to tell him.

"In and out, in and out" I mumbled to remind myself to breath. Unfortunately for me, Charles being the fucking amazing boyfriend he is was standing outside the restaurant, worry visible on his face. God I really don't want to do this. "What's going-"
I asked but before I could finish he cut me off.

"Mon Cœur, I can tell somethings wrong. I told everyone you didn't feel well, come I'll take you home and we can talk. I have your bag and cardigan." He said wrapping his arm around my waist and walking me to the car, I definitely wasn't planing on talking about what's wrong.


That's all that was said on the car ride back, I could tell Charles knew something was wrong, hell I was literally shaking. But yet his hand never stopped tracing invisible lines on the inside of my thigh.


That's all that was said as we walked to the door, only once we were inside and the door was closed he finally broke the silence. "Come here" was all he said his arms open wide. Fuck, I shouldn't it will only make this harder but I can't stop myself. As soon as my body was in arms reach of him I was pulled into a crushing hug, his sent fulling my nose, I could feel his lips placed on my hair.

"Charles, I'm sorry but" I started but i couldn't hold back tears. "No no baby, tell me what I did okay? We can fix it" he said, I couldn't bring myself but I swear I could hear the tears in his voice. "Charles it's not you, I just, we can't, it's over" I replied struggling to find words.

"It is me, you never call me Charles, it's always cha, baby, or my love. Please I love you, don't do this" he said this time I could tell he was definitely crying. His arms held me close, almost like I would disappear. "I can't I'm so sorry, you don't deserve this, I'm not right for you." I mumbled out, I was hurting him, but it hurt me too.

"No, don't say that! I don't want anyone else, you are mine please" he said slowly placing his lips on mine, his hands holding my waist against him. My hand immediately moved into his hair, this would be the last time. Finally after about a minute I pull away.

"I'm sorry Charles but I need you to leave" I whispered so quietly I'm not sure if he heard me before moving out of his warmth. "Tell me you don't love me! Tell me you never loved me, Then I will go" he shouted, he was mad now.

"I don't love you Charles, I never did" as I said that I think I saw his heart physically break, but he didn't fight it. He just walked out, closing the door behind him.

As soon as he was gone I immediately curled into a ball on the floor. "Your doing this because you love him, to protect him, he will be okay" I repeated that to myself like a mantra for what felt like hours until I physically couldn't cry anymore. Now I just needed to get 10k in 2 weeks.

They will not hurt Charles

You wanted a chapter? This what you had in mind?
This is my fist time writing in a character's pov, what did you think, idk if it even makes sense.

Yea ima start running now before you come after me...

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