Chapter 8

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Madyson: "Hey Cha, I just got home from work. Do you wanna come to my apartment for breakfast tomorrow?"

Charles: "Mon cœur, open your door."

Charles replied to Madyson's text almost instantly, his answer causing confusion to engulf her. Slowly questioning her life choices she jumped off the kitchen island, wobbling a bit on her broken leg before walking (limping) to her front door. Vaguely contemplating if she should put some shorts on, but deciding not to as the shirt Charles gave her was long enough and covered her panties.

"Hello-" Mads called out after opening the door but suddenly her words were cut off by a pair of lips crashing down onto hers.
Not wasting any time Charles walked into the apartment, still not breaking the kiss and slammed the door behind him. "I missed you" Mads mumbled out as soon as Charles moved his lips off hers for a second.

"I missed you too, god you look so beautiful in this shirt" Charles mumbled before continuing his assault on her lips, at one point softly whispering "jump". With zero hesitation Mads jumped a bit and wrapped her legs around his waist grabbing onto his neck for stability.

"Mads?" Charles asked immediately breaking away from her lips and walking to put her down on the kitchen island. "Baby love, what happened?" Charles asked taking a step back to get a better look at her moon boot leaving her sitting on the island like an object on display waiting for him to come back.

"Mon cœur! What happened? When? Are you okay?"  He almost shouted walking back to her, moving to stand in between her legs so he could run his palms lightly over her whole body trying to see if she was hurt anywhere else. "Cha I'm fine-" Mads explained causing Charles to give her a look so say 'cut the bullshit.'

"Okay! Fine, on the way to the hospital today I was on my phone and wasn't paying attention and so,e guy hit me with his car" as she said that the worry in Charles's face became more noticeable, creating rinkels on his forehead. "Non, cha I'm okay, it's only a broken leg please don't stress" she whispered tracing her fingers over all the lines on his face and smoothing them out as an attempt to relax him.

"Did you go to the hospital?" He asked still clearly NOT calm. "Yea, I did and I'm all okay" Mads said coming to rest her head on his shoulder, "why didn't you call me?" Charles whispered sounding a bit hurt between placing kisses on her head. "Baby, I didn't want to worry you! Because I thought I would see you tomorrow, I'm sorry.. are you mad." Mads mumbled into his neck now feeling worried that Charles might be mad she didn't call him.

"Non, non, I not mad but in the future please call me? I really care about you and I want to know if something is wrong." He said pulling her closer to the edge of the counter and further into his chest, his large hands roaming all around her back before finding a place on her waist.

"I was wondering.. I am going to lunch at my mom's house and if you don't have work maybe you would like to come with? My two brothers will be there too, probably with their girlfriends. I know it's still really early but I would really like you to meet them, especially cause you said outside of work you didn't have anyone and it might be nice to have people to rely on."

"You want me to meet your mom?" Mads questioned, her voice cracking slightly at the end , tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. "Yes, but you don't have to! I understand if your not ready for that yet."  He said trying comfort her, feeling on or two of her hot tears land on his neck.

"Sorry" Mads mumbled moving her face out of his neck to look at him, quickly whipping the water from her eyes, leaving the area around them red and puffy. "I would love to meet your mom, it means a lot to me that you want me to" she said sniffing as a smile broke out on her face.

"Really! I'll let her know your coming" he said excitedly, quickly stepping out of her arms to text his mom. Mads just sat there smiling and giggling to herself watching how happy he is, almost like a kid who had to much sugar. "Great! We will leave at 11:45" he said after clearly coming to a conclusion with his family.

Leaving his phone on the table next to her, Charles made his way back to her. "You look so good in my number, especially without shorts and a bra" Charles said before sliding his tongue into her mouth once again his hands softly squeezing her ass. "Cha" Mads moaned as his lips moved down her neck, softly nibbling and sucking her skin occasionally.

"Please" she mumbled wrapping her legs around him and holding onto his hair. Without warning suddenly the table beneath her disappeared causing a small yelp to escape from her. " I've got you mon cœur" Charles said lying her down on her bed, still trying to be careful around her leg he slowly crawled towards her till his body was hovering just above hers.

"Off" was all that she said as she fumbled with the bottom of his shirt before successfully pulling it over his head. Her hands instantly roaming every surface on his chest and back, almost as if she was taking mental notes of ever part of his body.

Hands coming up to his neck, pulling his lips down once again onto hers. Slowly he made his way to her shirt and grabbed the hem of it "Charles, wait" Mads said quickly sitting up and moving over so Charles could join her. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you or make you uncomfortable? He asked, searching for any signs of pain on her face.

"No, but I want us to go slow, I really like you and don't wanna screw anything up by moving too fast. I'm sorry." Mads said starting to look down feeling embarrassed. "Mon cœur, look at me. I don't want to pressure you into doing anything you don't want too, okay? We just do what your comfortable with, please never say sorry for not feeling comfortable." He said lifting her chin up, forcing her eyes to meet his.

"Can you stay the night?" Mads asked leaning to give im a small peck. "Can't think of anything I would rather do" he said lying down under the covers and turning the lights off. Mads immediately crawling basically onto of him resting her head on his bare chest while his hand threaded though her hair.

Both lying in silence until Mads giggled softly before saying, "for someone with muscles your surprisingly a comfortable pillow" she chuckled again poking his six pack. "Anything for you baby love" he mumbled leaning down to hiss her forehead before falling asleep.

Lol I just ripped smut out from underneath you guys. Hehe! Don't worry it will come eventually. Also the drama begins next chapter 🫢

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