Chapter 5

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"Good morning Dr. Melendez! How are you?"Mads asked as he skipped into the break room towards her locker to get changed for the day. "Good morning Dr. Fisher, I am very good but the question is why are you so bubbly?" He asked watching her walk from the coffee table.

"I had a date last night" Mads explained while taking off her hoodie (Charles's hoodie) and stuffed it in her locker leaving her in her scrubs, "ohh, only been in Monaco for a month and already picking up guys" Dr. Melendez teased but before Mads could reply her phone binged with a message from Charles, "ohhh she's smiling, did the guys text you?" He asked as Mads read the message.

"Hey! You mentioned you had school today, I was thinking I could pick you up? And I could take you for dinner?"

  "Yea, That's perfect can you pick me up from the hospital parking? 17:00."

Mads replied before putting her phone down in her locker, she was about get a coffee before starting her shift but before she could even think about it the sirens in the ER sounded off "Mass casualties coming 50-80 expected patients in about 5, all doctors on call are coming in. "Residents - find your attending and work with them." The head nurse spoke through all the speakers in the ER causing Dr. Melendez to jump into action with Mads closely following behind since she was in her last year or residency and he was her attending Dr.

Within about two or three minutes the people where flooding in, people bleeding left right and center, beds quickly filled up and people where now lying on desks being treated. "Madyson! I'm going into surgery, as your attending I am giving you permission to work as a fully licensed ER doctor and do as much as you can!" Dr. Melendez shouted as he rounded the corner disappearing into a operation theatre.

Within minutes Madyson was called into a trauma treatment room with a young girl in it. "Help me please! I can't die yet, I was meant to go to a F1 race this year." The girl cried clinging onto the railing of the bed, "hey, don't worry your gonna be okay, my name is Dr. Fisher okay and I need you to tell me your name and how old you are?" Mads asked assessing the metal pole going though the girls leg.

"Um, my name is Emilia... I'm 9, where's my daddy?" The girl cried as Mads pulled up an IV of morphine to hopefully make her leg go numb, "okay, Emilia i will find your dad later but for now I need you to look away and talk about something you like" Mads said softly. Lucky the girl did as was told and looked away allowing Mads to pull the pole out her leg making blood spray everywhere but just as quickly Mads plugged her fingers in the artery.

"Did you watch formula 1? My favourite driver is Charles Leclerc and I wanna be a engineer for Ferrari when I'm older, ohhh and my dad got me tickets to the Monza GP this year and maybe I could meet Charles." Emilia said now feeling no pain in her leg even though Madyson was literally operating on her leg right there.

After Madyson was finally finished with the girls leg she spoke to the girl, "okay your gonna go upstairs to a place with lots of really nice people okay" Mads said pushing the bed towards the elevator. "No, please don't leave" the girl screamed hanging onto her arm "Emilia, I need to go help other people but the nurses her will take care of you and tomorrow I promise to come visit you with a surprise." Mads explained as the nurse at the children's ward arrived to take her.

"Okay" Emilia said only being convinced when she said surprise. Then she was wheeled away before Mads ran back downstairs to help more.

When the ER had finally calmed down it was 13 hours later, everyone was tired, the smell of metal was still in the air, allowing Mads to almost taste it. Slowly making her way back to be break room to change out of her blood covered clothes, "go home Madyson, don't come in tomorrow I'm giving you the day off, you did a brilliant job with that girl today" Dr. Melendez said as Mads walked in, he was also getting ready to leave. "Thanks Jason" Mads mumbled putting some fresh shorts and Charles hoodie on with nothing underneath seeing as all her other clothes where stained red now.

Grabbing all her stuff she slowly made her way to the exit, complete dead, it was now 9 pm dark outside, she was dreading the walk home already so tired. Completely forgetting about the fact Charles was meant to pick her up earlier. "M" Charles called out from the other side of the parking lot snapping her out of her imagination.

"Charles. What are you doing here?" She almost ran towards him collapsing in his arms, "shhhhh, baby it's okay" Charles said just holding her in his arms. "I heard about the accident, I thought you might need a ride home." Charles whispered holding her so tightly to her chest. Charles"s caring words broke the seal causing Madyson to break down going completely limp in her arms. "Charles, I saw a child die in my arms today, there was just blood everywhere it never stopped." Mads cried chocking on her words. "Shhhh it's okay, you also helped a lot of people" Charles hummed rubbing her back as she cried into his chest.

After finally calming down Charles led her into the car and drove out the parking, sitting in complete silence not wanting to take Mads curled up on the seat and leaned her head agains the window. Charles quietly drove through the streets of Monte Carlo before arriving at Mads house, still respecting her silence he got out the car and moved to her side of the car to open the door for her only to find her fast asleep  in the passenger seat.

"Oh Mon amour" Charles said softly picking her up and carrying her into her house. Having never been in her house he stumbled around a bit trying to find her bedroom. Finally finding it he placed her down on her bed covering her in blankets, leaving a kiss on her head he turned to leave but she caught his arm.

"Mm, stay" Mads mumbled from her sleep curling her finger around his bicep, "do you need me to set an alarm for you tomorrow." Charles asked taking his shirt of and climbing into the bed next her. "No" Mads stated clearly not wanting a conversation, as soon as she felt Charles's heat next to her she immediately curled into his side laying her head on his bare chest.

"Good night mon coeur" Charles said bringing his arms to wrap tightly around her waist to pull her closer, "sleep well" he mumbled as he softly fell asleep with her in his arms.

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