Part 2

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      Ugh, what a headache, apparently being blown up by a weapon that can fold space and time itself is not a fun experience, I had a killer headache, I gently opened my eyes to take in my surroundings. For one, I was no longer inside CT, and two, are those clouds? I realized I was falling, falling fast. I spread my body out to maximize air resistance, we wouldn't do this normally but since I'm falling from the clouds I think I might need to, when I got closer to the ground I saw that I was headed for a city of sorts, I also decided I was close enough to the ground. I straightened my body and my jump kit let out a long weak boost slowing my fall even more, right before I hit the ground it let out a bigger boost that brought me to the ground safely inside an alleyway. I sighed from the unwanted stress, I need a fucking drink. I can find CT later, wait- they probably won't accept my credits...

   "Fuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkk." I saw an ATM just outside of the alley, so I walked out and stuck my data knife in the area the card goes into, I waited for 3 seconds while pretending to be doing stuff with the machine, a 1000 yen bill came from the bottom, I didn't want to take too much, it equaled around 10 credits so it should be good for a drink, now I just need to find a bar. I took my data knife out and secretly slid it into it's sheath, hopefully no one saw me, I want that fucking drink.

    As I walked down the sidewalk people gave me weird looks, not that they could talk, one had a fucking horse for a head, but it's probably because of my 4 different guns, can't really blame them, but one has a fucking, horse head, so imma judge them as well. I opened the door to a nearby bar and set the 1000 bill on the counter.

       "Give me your strongest fucking drink, I've had a day."

       "O-ok," he turned to the shelf and brought out a bottle of rum, I grabbed it.

      "Is this a cheap strong rum or a fancy strong one?"

      "Um, cheap." I took my helmet off and drank from the bottle as the bartender slid the bill off the counter into his hands, wow, this stuff was pretty damn strong, I continued chugging it down. I set the half empty bottle back on the counter and the bartender looked at me warily, probably should've hid my guns before getting absolutely drunk, I'm sure the drunk version of me will be responsible enough so leave guns alone. Probably. 


     I lay on a bench with the empty bottle in my hand on top of my chest, I'm not stoned but I'm definitely drunk, I had my helmet back on and was just laying there.

   "Hey you!" I looked up, "give me all your money!" it was some dude who didn't even have a knife, he just pointed at me, "or I'll erase you with my quirk!" I stared at him for a solid 5 seconds.

    "Sorry, don't have any money," I put my head back on the bench and got back to my important duty of napping.

    "You think I don't see all that fancy gear!?" A small white ball started forming in his hand, well that must be his "quirk" thankfully im drunk do I can accept this bullshit easier, "I'm warning you." He said trying to be intimidating, but the combination of him having a voice crack and me being drunk it didn't turn out that way, I fell off the bench laughing instead. He turned vey red, from anger or embarrassment I don't know, probably both. He pointed his glowing hand at me and held his wrist with his other as if powering up an anime power or something. Some rational thought came into my mind and I decided that I didn't want to find out if he was bluffing or not, I'm pretty sure he is but that could just be him not being good at intimidating people. I rolled onto my feet and punched him in the chest the familiar sound of ribs cracking filled the air and he flew a good 5ft back.

    "Fuck." I forgot to pull my punches- well, punch. I walked over to the body and went through his pockets, I mean might as well loot the body. He had a decent amount of cash on him, probably from some idiots who fell for his act, then I realized something, he was speaking Japanese, and I understood it, I even talked back in Japanese, what the fuckkk? I think I might need another drink.


   I was walking around trying to get my bearings as I sipped from another bottle of rum, some parents looked at me with disgust, completely fair but they don't know the day I had, I was also drinking responsibly, just enough to keep me tipsy then I wait for it to fade before drinking again, responsible. I used a straw that I stuck under my helmet so that might also be a contributing factor, took a while to find a plastic one, it was pink but oh well. I heard a loud crash off to the side and people around me started running the other way, I turned slowly to where the crash came from and saw a building falling over, I just can't catch a break can I? I started walking toward the ruined building while finishing my bottle of non-parent-approved-water and continued walking.

    "Ok what the actual fuck?" I looked at some guy who had weird organic sword arms, this day keeps getting weirder, oh well. I threw my empty bottle and it flew through the air hitting him on the head hard, he stumbled back and glared at me before charging, I twirled the pink plastic straw around my fingers as he ran towards me, i ducked under his horizontal swing, put my thumb over one hole of the straw and shoved the other into his side. He screamed in pain as it had a decent amount of alcohol left on it, it was inside of him so there was also that.

     "W-what? You bitch!" He charged again slower this time, he swing with an overhead strike but I caught the dull part of his arms while they were over his head, I twisted around and judo-flipped him onto his back, I then threw him into the air jumping up myself and kicking his shoulders each with one foot in a dropkick, I dislocated them, he screamed in pain again and landed hard onto his back again. He panted and didn't try to get up.

    "You gonna stay for a police?"

    "I. Hate. You." He said in between breaths.

    "Cool, is that a yes or a no?" He growled at me, he fucking growled, I burst out laughing and heard the sound if sirens approaching, " well you have fun in jail, bye." I knew police wouldn't take kindly to me being here so I jumped onto a wall and wallran away jumping between the walls for more speed. But while I was jumping between walls a weird gray scarf wrapped around me.

     "OH FOR FU-!" I was rudely interrupted by being swung around and slammed into a wall, I grabbed the scarf looking thing, pulled and some sort of ninja guy,- holy fuck he actually  wears it as a scarf, I spun around with a barrel roll wrapping the scarf around me more before straightening out and pulling him right into my outstretched leg, I remembered to hold back this time so I don't kill him, I landed on the ground before pulling him forward with the scarf again and kneeing him in the gut, he gasped for air as I grabbed his back and suplexed him before rolling backwards on top of him, my knee has on his chest and I held his wrists in one of my hands.

    "Sup bitch, that fucking hurt." It wasn't too bad but it still hurt. He sighed and closed his eyes.

    "I really need a new job," he muttered, "I'm here to offer you a job, we saw how easily you took down that villain and I had to test you according to Nezu, you passed congratulations," he was so monotone that it almost made me laugh.

   "And what is this job?" If I was tested like this then it was probably in my skill set, "and who is this Nezu person?"

   "The job is being a teacher and Nezu is the principal." I blinked, a teacher?

    "You saw me beat up a guy and decided I would make a good teacher? The fuck?"

    "Yes, I'm from UA, we train heros, and you seem to be skilled in fighting so you will make a good teacher." I...what? I was confused. "Could you get off of me now?"

    "Fine, fine." I got up and let him get up by himself, I was low on money and I probably shouldn't live off of atm money so I decided I would try this job, "when do I start?"

    "Next week, Monday."

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