Part 5

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   "Well it is mostly intact, what parts do you think we can salvage?"

   "We can use its XO-16 to upgrade ours, we could also take the energy siphon and attach it next to the laser shot, taking its missile pod would be mostly pointless as we already have better ones."

     "Alright, let's grab the parts," we use the sword to cut off the energy siphon and we put the new XO-16 on CT's back so we have both guns on her back and she is holding the sword and the energy siphon, we start walking toward our apartment given to us by Nezu. I really shouldn't call it an apartment, its a house, a nice one too.

    "Oh wait, we probably need a welder, plus a soldering iron, here are the co-ordinates for the house, you stay in the back and i'll get us the stuff we need, got it?

  "Understood pilot." i hopped out of her and she started toward the house, I started to the hardware store. I walked into it and looked around for the stuff we needed, I found a soldering iron and some wire but couldn't find a welder, i walked up to the checkout area and set the soldering kit down infront of the kid at it.

    "Do you have any welders?"

   "We do, they are just in the back, wanna pull around with your car and we can load it in?"

    "I... dont have a car, can I have one with wheels?"

     "Uh, sure, come around to the back."

     "Thanks," I followed him around and he showed me one.

     "Here you go," he scanned it and held out the debit machine thing that he also scanned the soldering kit with. I put my new card in and typed the code.

    "Thanks, have a good day," I started dragging the welder away.

     "You too," nice kid, I continued back to the house dragging behind me, people were once again giving me weird looks, what? Haven't ever seen a guy dragging a welder down a sidewalk? When i got back to the house i walked around to the back and saw CT crouching there. "hey, got the welder."

    "Good, we can begin upgrading then." She already had both of the XOs taken apart and was combining them, I plugged the welder into the electrical port on her and climbed up onto her forearm, I took the side plating off of the laser shot to reveal the wires. I pulled the energy siphon up with me and started connecting the wires with the solder so they will shoot at the same time, the plan is to have the laser shot do most of the damage while the energy siphon gets back some energy to shoot it again, quite smart i know. I grabbed the welder and started welding the siphon to her forearm

     "Pilot, incoming. it is Nezu." I look up at her.

    "How do you know him?"

   "Your helmet camera, I reviewed the footage after I broke atmosphere."

   "Ah, that makes sense." I jumped off her arm. "Stay here." I walked through the house to the front door and opened it. "Hey, what brings you here?"

    "I'm here to give you an offer, after the USJ incident I've realized that the UA security is not enough to protect the students, and seeing how you handled yourself there I decided to have you protect them. I will ask that you don't try kill anyone but you can do whatever you want, just as long as the students are safe."

    "... I'll think about it." I closed the door, I don't want to be rude but I need to finish CT's upgrades, I'm surprised he didn't mention CT, maybe he does know and just doesn't want to scare me off or something. I climbed onto CT's arm and got back to welding.

    "You do know I still have the key right?" I looked up and Nezu was at the door to the backyard looking to the side, I let out a a sigh.

    "Look I just need to finish these upgrades, if I say yes will you go away for now?"

     "As long as you actually show up, you won't need to talk to anyone and you will be payed still."

    "Sure." I welded the last bit and looked at it, it wasn't the prettiest. "Do you have an angle grinder?"


    CT was put in UA to not freak anybody out while I finished my work on her, I don't know what they are using as a cover story for a giant robot fight, or if there even is one, but now I just keep watch over UA and make sure no criminals attack. I was just making my way through the many hallways of UA wondering what to do, it was pretty boring because nobody has decided to attack, which is good and all, but still, bored. I decided to go visit CT because not much else to do, I stepped into the elevator and hit the bottom floor, apparently the "support class" is down there and CT is being stored in one of the areas they use but no one is allowed in that one anymore. The elevator stopped a few floors higher and the doors opened, I stepped to the side to let some students in, they seemed hesitant but came in anyway. When it reached the bottom floor I stepped off and so did the students, I walked over to CT's new room and opened the door.

    "Hey girl, any parts here we can use on you?"

    "A few, but none will be too useful, a good amount of sheet metal to use for repairs though."

    "Well atleast we know where to take you for repairs then." I chuckled and patted her knee.

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