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7th June, 2023
Morning 10:00 am
Trinity Church

At the aisle stood a couple taking their vows.
The priest's voice boomed in the silent hall while asking the groom of his consent ~
" Do you take Miss. Shristhi Rajvanshi, as your lawful wife to have and hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish till death do apart ?"

'I do ' spoke a firm voice accepting his vows in front of the almighty without showing any hint of emotions in his voice or face.

Hearing the consent from the groom the priest asked the bride the same ~
" Do you take Mr. Alessandro Romano, as your lawful husband to have and hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish till death do apart ?"

'I do' spoke a soft and calm voice without any hesitation accepting her vows regardless of the situation in which they were taken.

As the consent were heard the priest spoke ," Now let us humbly invoke God's blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony. In the sight of God and his witnessess I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride. "

As soon as the last sentence was registered in Shrishti's mind, she had a look of shock as she was not prepared for the kiss and turned her face to look towards her now wedded husband and gulped a lump and turned towards him.

At the same moment as the words were registered in Alessandro's mind he too looked through his peripheral as the expression oh his little wife's face were seen. The same lady who didn't showed a hint of any emotion when the whole ordeal took place just like him. It clearly amused him at the same time a tint of warmness ran through his body at the slight fear that was seen but was covered soon. He was actually feeling proud of his little wife who though was scared but didn't showed a hint of it. He felt that he would do anything and would go to any extent to protect her and make her feel safe and happy. To much of his suprise he didn't understood from where this feelings emerged but he didn't felt them wrong.

Turning towards his wife he saw her veil covered face and felt he wanted to hide her from the world and it's darkness. Seeing her expression and looking straight to her eyes he understood her and then he did something that was totally unexpected and surprised everyone present their even their families as everyone was aware of his nature.

The man bent in front of his wife and held her by her waist bringing her closer and then instead of lifting the veil he covered both of them with the veil and then dipped a little while holding her cheek and nape kissed her near her lips which to  all the audience present looked like a beautiful romantic kiss.

The priest, the bridesmaid and the bestman were only aware of what actually happened along with the couple.

Helping her stand back as Shrishti still recovered from the shock that she recieved she heard the deep voice of her husband saying in her ear making her smile at him softly and nodding at him in affirmation towards his action.

{Here is what our male lead spoke to his little wife}

" Mrs. Romano, though I could have kissed you right on your lips but I don't wish to do that without your consent and when we share our first kiss I hope that you will never forget it and it would be our private affair and not some show for the people"

The words did bring a tint of crimson on his little wife but seeing her smile and nod he felt at easy though both of them got married in circumstances which they didn't wished or ever imagined to be tied to each other as they were only acquainted for few hours but both felt and vowed that they would work towards this bond that they tied and respect it with all that they have unaware that both had made this promise.

It felt that both had an mutual understanding about eachother which felt strange at the same time good.

That's it this is the first chapter.

Well this is my second attempt in writing the book.

At first I had began the book with same name but later on took that down as was unable to carry on with the story line hope that I can carry on with this one and make it reach till it's end.

Second chapter would be regarding how the wedding come to take place.

So that's it guys our male lead and female lead have been introduced by me here and i would hope that I can portrait them well in the writing just as they are in my head.

Point of view of both of our leads will begin after i clear out about the wedding taking place.

Hope that my this work is shown love and yeah the chapter is unedited and i would do it once the story ends. I would be publishing about the prologue and the characters details soon with the dedication that I hope is loved by everyone.

That's it see you in next chapter.


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