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Alessandro POV

I only had one word for her and that was gorgeous. The attire she wore and entered my room in the morning had made me stuck my view at her and she looked ethereal in her outfit. It was clear that it was something from her culture as the ladies of her family wore the same.

When we left for elevator and how she came close to me feeling comfort in me to avoid the touch of that guy, it warmed my heart. It was true we were to never show emotion and always act cold and never let feelings took over us but here this 5ft 6 inches lady has got my heart feeling warm in just a day. It shouldn't be considered a day as well as it had only been hours to our wedding and the day was yet to be done.

I texted my most trusted man to get the guy from the elevator to one of the warehouse and take care of him. No one had a right to make my wife uncomfortable not even me. This was something we were taught in the familia since we learnt to understand. It was kinda unspoken rule of the familia that was you can take as many women you want and fuck as many you wish but it had a limit that was till you get married. Once you are married you have only one lady in your life and that one woman is your wife and their respect was something for which a Romano can take up a war and no one would stop them. No one messes with a Romano's wife. When I wanted to hit that guy in the elevator itself she stopped me and it was clear that she had a reason for that and that was the people present their. No matter what the reason was but we were aware of the respect that our names carried and it wouldn't taken a minute to have tabloids gossip about something that happened in the elevator where two well known names where together. Thus controlling the urge to have that guy buried ten feet under was needed to be suppressed. To my suprise it did when my little wife held my hand and rubbed my knuckles with her fingers. It was seren and calming at the same time.

Meeting our family I learnt that she had a conference to attend thus leaving with our breakfast to have on the way we left from their.

When we reached the parking lot we called eachother at the same time and talked about the place where she had to reach ignoring he breakfast that she was giving me. It was clear that she was supprised when I let her know about me dropping her as  I myself was going at the same place. The hotel was owned by the Romano and this I had the meeting arranged at the same.

She had spaced out in to her world as she was staring at the same place continuously and thus I cleared my throat and gained her attention. Letting her know that our talk was pending she gestured me to continue further on about what my views where while she took the breakfast and started opening it.

We reached the redlight were I ended my words and waited for her to give her views. To my suprise she put forth the sandwich that she opened near my mouth and with her eyes gestured me to eat it which I did while she spoke her views. It was pretty clear to me know that she understood me well then anyone so far I had known in my inner circle. She was ready to give us chance see where this relation took us in the mean time she also suggested we let our families know about what we had thought. After that she focused on her food and fed me at the same time so we could have our breakfast.

If my basterd of the friends saw me having breakfast fed by my wife they would have poked me a alot and would probably have reached hell but whose was gonna let them know.

By the time we reached we were done with our food and came out of the car. She was looking around with the empty bag of food as if searching something. Her eyes twinkled as if finding what she was looking for and my eyes followws hers understanding that she wanted to throw the bag in dustbin. I took it from her hands and ordered one of my man to throw it away.

We mad our way to reception and that's when I learnt my wife was here for a medical conference and it amused me too know that she was a doctor.  But who was I to judge it was her profession which she loved and enjoyed apart from being the Princess that she was. She left form their but not before turning behind to look at me and gestured with her eyes as she will meet me here when she was done.

I left to meet the person and the good thing was the meeting went smooth and no issues took place the negotiation went well without anyone being killed.

After the meeting I decided to text her letting her know that I was in the lounge area of the hotel and was waiting for her. The lounge was in the middle hall were reception was present.

Going through my email while waiting for her I didn't realise that it was afternoon and almost past lunch. That's when I heard a soft giggle and looking up from my phone I noticed my little wife coming with two ladies and a guy and laughing at something one of them said. It looked like they knew each other from a long time. As if learning about me staring at her she turned towards me and waved signalling she was there I gave a nod for the same and went towards her.

Reaching her and as if naturally she came by my side and stood their. She cleared her throat and as if hesitant she spoke," Umm guys , phew , Meet him he is Mr. Alessandro Romano , my husband and Mr. Romano these are my college umm yeah University and school friends this one is Ruhanika Nair, that's Trisha Sharma and this guy is Dev Purohit ."

The trio standing their was shocked and had their jaws touching the floor the first one to recover had and offended looked where was the second one spoke, " Hell lady you got yourself a hot, sexy and a man as fine as old monk." The guy then forward his hand which I took and gave a nod.

That when she spoke, " Okay I know we had a truce that who ever decided to get married had to invite everyone form the group where ever they were but the circumstances were not that great for me to sent the invites and we can get on a call with everyone together and I can explain at the same for now I think we should leave."

The first lady still didn't spoke and only gave a nod and the other two to just smiled at her. When they left they gave a hug to eachother and left to their respective places.

We too left from their and got in our car. She sighed as she sat inside. That's when I spoke, " So Mrs Romano your a doctor"

Hearing me she turned towards me and just gave a nod and spoke," A cardiologist and a General surgeon but I didn't knew that the Lu Buffet was under the Romano"

"That's true its one of the hotel front the chain that the familia has"

Soon comfortable silenced enveloped the car and I found her sleeping peacefully besides me with her head resting on the window. She looked calmed and at peace away from the worries that our life had.

Here's the another chapter for today it's edited and do comment on upon how you felt about Alessandro's character so far.

See you all later with the next chapter

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