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Alessandro pov

Waking up to the sunrays peaking through the curtains directly hitting my face, I felt movements near me. Looking at the figure the first thing I felt was anger thinking how dare a female lay in my bed but then realisation hit me as the events of yesterday dawn upon me.

Being well aware that we had a pillow partion but looking at them lying down on both of our sides it was clear that we had an equal hand in removing it. Some thrown on her aside and some on mine and we were in the middle laying in eachothers arms to be precise I should say cuddling. As the light fall on us she moved to cover herself from the brightness and something stirred inside wanting to protect her from everything that brought her discomfort. For the first time it felt good to laze in the bed. I knew I'm no saint and had my fair share of women's to enjoy but she over here wanted me to not have her for a night but every night beside me. It was like I had finally someone to call mine, only mine.

Bringing me out of my thoughts she stirred more and very lazily opened her eyes looking adorable. She moved and looked at me straight in my eyes but spoke nothing then she sat up and I removed my hands from around her but when she was sitting up she fucking had her hands on my chest as an support to sit straight. She as a small child rubbed her eyes and yawned and sat their for a minute or something just looking at the wall as if processing something in that brain of hers.

Making me intrigued at what was going in her pretty brain as her expression changed and as if the events of yesterday dawn upon her and realising in what position we were in she looked around the whole room then again at me and as if understanding were her hands were she had an expression of shock which also brought a soft hue of pink on her cheeks and she removed her hands immediately from me. Feeling the loss of contact the mere touch of her which was bringing a strange kind of peace and feeling it lost I had this urge to pull her towards me and have her in my arms. I heard her voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I...ahh..Good morning...and..I....ahh uhhhhhhhhh." It looked like she wanted to speak more but was finding for words thus to have her the time to sort it of I replied back to her," Good Morning Shrishti " It felt strange and foreign to try her name on my tounge but equally good.

" I..ahhh...am sorry" she spoke making me confused as if understanding it she spoke " Well I am a messy sleeper and have more like pushed my self in to your space in the sleep and if that has you uncomfortable so was apologizing regarding the same anyway I think I should go back and get ready for the day as it's already 9 o'clock ahhhh shit I need to hurry talk to you later Mr.Romano." she spoke and was gonna rush out of the sheets but before she could I need to clear out to avoid misunderstanding so I held her wrist and pulled her to myself causing her to land straight on myself with her face in my chest. Sighing I made her sit properly but close to me and hugged her as it came too naturally as if we have been doing it for ages. This sudden movement cause her big eyes to widden more and she looked at me at the same expression of suprise and shock as to what just transpire here. Understanding that she was in a hurry I spoke not allowing her to say something as her mouth open at the same time," Shhh calm down and about you invading my private space in your sleep then you don't have to apologise cause it not just you who moved towards me in sleep but I too had moved and looking at how the pillows are scattered on both side we can get that both of us played and equal role in causing the mess and to be home I actually had a good sleep yesterday night and I hope you to had the same and as for the rush in my opinion you should be careful while getting of bed."

After hearing me she looked towards where I was looking where the comforter was tangled between our feet which would have caused her to fall flat on her face and as if understanding it she nodded and then looked at where my hands and realisation hit me and I left her and she rushed out of the room being careful this time while getting off bed and as if embarrassed she didn't turn back when leaving the room. In some strange manner I hoped for my future mornings to be similar to have waking up close to her. Sighing I too went to freshen up and being my day. After getting dressed in my usual black suit with white shirt and a tie in my hand which I was having second options regarding whether I should wear it or not when there was a knock on my door. While going towards the door I noticed a phone apart from mine realising my wife forgot her phone in the rush and keeping a mental not to return to her while going for breakfast I opened the door and felt my breath hitch as their stood my wife in her Indian attire not knowing what it was called but was busy looking into her bag and as if noticing my stare lift her head and that moment felt like everything else disappeared from there and it was just her their standing looking breathtakingly gorgeous with a very light makeup on her face and open hair wanting me to do sinful things to her. Hearing her clearing her throat I was brought back from my not so holy thoughts regarding my wife about whom I didn't know much.

She spoke, " Umm I forgot my phone in rush over here so umm.." " Yeah come in its near the bedside table." I spoke and moved to the side to let her in and her lavender smell hit my nostrils giving a soothing sense to me. Wanting to feel her close I spoke," Umm.. Sh-Shristhi "

What the heck Alessandro why are you shuttering when I heard her soft hmm without looking back collecting her phone and was adjusting things in her back I once against spoke clearing my throat which caught her attention and she looked towards me," Can you help me with the tie" thats when she looked at me completely giving her full attention and gave a soft nod and placing her backpack on one side came towards me.

She came on tiptoe but couldn't reach me thus I kept my hands on her waist and supported her and bend a bit causing our face to come close she brought her hands around my neck. That's when I realised that my hands were on her bare waist and the trance broke when my phone rang causing me to mentally curse it. She silently did my tie when I picked up the call and hearing from my PA regarding my today's meeting in our New York branch was to be held in half an hour from now. Ending the call I saw her fixing my collar and lapels and then going towards where my clips and cufflinks where present and without saying anything she came back and then clipped my tie to the shirt and straightened it and as if feeling satisfied and proud with her work she gave a smile and it was gorgeous making me do a promise to myself to always protect that smile of her unknown to both of us but somewhere she has cracked the walls that I have built around my heart and was entering it and making her place there without her knowing about it.

We both looked at each other giving a small nod and then left towards the door. Pulling the door open for her to get through first I followed behind and locking the door. We left for breakfast.

1418 words.
There you go new chapter.
I apologise for the late update even though I spoke I would try to give 3 updates.
I will try to have both of their pov but I think that ALESSANDRO'S perspective will be seen more then Shrishti's but don't worry our female lead would be no less then the male lead. I haven't portrait them as any specific person as I wish for readers to have their own image regarding their looks and how the wish for them to look.
Will try to give another update soon.
Thanks for reading and do comment if you feel their are some grammatical errors or about how you feel regarding the story and our leads her.

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