||CHAPTER 11||

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Since it was settled and agreed that after two days we would be flying to Italy and then for one day shrishti would be staying with us till her brother's come to pick her up.

I left everyone to converse as had some work to take care of also to track that person who helped Mrinali with her escape not to forget she took few valuables with her when she ran away from here.

Though things for the D'Cruz were set but about their daughter who pulled the stunt it was not over. I had my men too track her down and find all the details regarding her. It was clear that she herself couldn't have pulled this whole stunt out.

I was sitting on the bed with legs stretched and back supported at the headrest with my laptop when their was a knock on the door. Though we were from a mafia family we had a business to run that was legal and accepted around apart from the mafia business. It surely didn't settle well as everyone was in the common area sitting lesiurely and chatting so taking my gun I went and open the door. Their stood at the door my wife who was speaking something while going through her phone.

Seeing her I hid my gun behind and gave her space to enter and to annoy me came my siblings behind her. It was clear that she didn't noticed that they followed her and was busy on the call. If someone didn't noticed her earplugs they would have thought she had gone mad.

As they all entered inside I closed the door and went back to bed only to find shrishti looking here and their for something. That's when she spoke," Hold on a sec let me grab a pen and paper." I gave her the notepad that was near my bedside table and the pen that I was using. On this act of mine I felt few gaze upon me and it was none other then my siblings who weren't allowed to touch a single thing against my permission but with a single glare they settled back.

Shrishti smiled and mouthed a thank you as she was on a call I simply gave a nod and turned towards the monkeys who were present in my room. "What you guys are doing here?" I asked them.

" We are here to spend time with our sister in law you got some issues with that brother." Lucia said

"Well yes cause it looks like you sister in law is busy in not being able give you guys her attention " was my reply.

"Just say that you want to spend time with her no need to use her work as an excuse to throw us out of your room hmph." Murmured Matteo

"Let's go guys before brother actually kicks us out from here." Said the smart one from the 3 —Lorenzo.

They left from their and I just turned when I heard shrishti spoke,"That was rude of you to add up it wasn't required to rush them out like that."

"They would have been nothing but nuisance to us when we are busy with work and they did spend time with you in the common area." I spoke.

She was gonna reply when her phone rang and she engaged in the call while I sat beside her and continued my work. As few minutes passed her voice was turning frustrated and some what angry and it looked like she lost it as she spoke," WHO WAS THE FUCKING IDIOT POSTED ON THE PATIENT IN MY ABSENCE WHO DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THE GENERAL BASIC MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT NOT GIVING EPINEPHRINE TO THE PATIENT WITH HIGH ACTIVE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM, IDIOT WANTED THE PATIENT TO GO IN SHOCK."

It was surprising to hear her curse looks like my wife is not that innocent that everyone thinks of her as. I cleared my throat letting her acknowledge my presence and she gave me a apologitic look and went to balcony as if saying sorry for her disturbance.


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