Chapter Three

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I WATCHED AS MY FATHER TOOK his seat at the head of the table

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I WATCHED AS MY FATHER TOOK his seat at the head of the table. His Sovietnik, Dominik, sat on his left and his royal soldier, Igor, behind him.

Fyodor has been fighting lung cancer for twenty-five years, and he managed to hide it for twenty-two years. With his health deteriorating, he came for me in the military two years ago, and no one could say anything about it because he was Fyodor Mikhailov.

I have had to work hard as second-in-command to prove myself to become Pakhan. Not every underboss likes that, especially Akim Sidorov and his son, Grigor.

The fucker blatantly glared at me from across the room, and I smirked at him, bringing my vodka to my lips. He shook with anger. Grigor lacks self-control, and that will get him killed. If not, by me. I don't know why he insists on joining his father for meetings, but he does it anyway.

On the other hand, Akim has been in this organisation longer than my father has. He holds a grudge over Fyodor's head because he thought he would be the next Pakhan after my godfather, Karolek, died.

Karolek had been great friends with Fyodor because he saved him from an assassination attempt. That earned my father's respect in this organisation, and it was my turn. So fuck Akim and Grigor.

"As you all know, I am leaving my leadership due to health issues." Fyodor rasped, taking his handkerchief and coughing into it.

"Are you alright, Boss?" Igor asked, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. Well, that's a fucking dumb question when we know Fyodor is anything but.

Fyodor's hand went in the air, silencing the room.

Dominik opened a bottle of water and handed it to my father, who took it with shaky hands. I enjoyed watching the bastard suffer for the years of misery I went through because of him. Joining the army was the best thing to happen to me. Good things aren't made for men like me because Fyodor ensured it.

"Should we reschedule the meeting for a later date, Pakhan?" Nikolay asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. He was the tamest of us five, but that doesn't mean he wasn't ruthless. I saw him in action when the Outfit targeted his wife last year. Katina was pregnant with his first child, and she lost it because of the attack. Nikolay showed no mercy, and every man involved had their parts scattered in different countries. He is two years older than I am and a trusted man in my circle, which is fucking little.

"No." Fyodor waved a tentative hand. "Like I was saying, I brought my son here two years ago to allow him to acquaint himself with our rules, and he has proved himself worthy of the throne with his talents and works." Was he trying to prove something with his fucking sugary speech? I could smell a 'but' with the many surprises up his sleeve.

Grigor giggled, and if today were yesterday, I would put good use to the gun beneath my chair and end his life.

My father's hand slammed on the table, grabbing everyone's attention. He glowered at Grigor and then at Akim Soridov. Fyodor made a come hither motion with two fingers at Grigor.

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