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"Today, we gon' be experimentin' with de basic elemental components


I WALKED THROUGH the doorway of my classroom, actually glad that this time everything was back to normal.

No desks were piled at the back of the classroom and no chairs missing. Everything looked ordinary, and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

I didn't think I was in the mood for another one of Miss Almulese's class exercises, especially after I had quite miserably failed the first.

Moving to my seat by the window, I made myself comfortable. I jotted a while in my notebook as I waited for our Prime to grace us with her presence.

This was the first poem I was writing since I got my new notebook, but I was in a state where I didn't feel anything which was kind of weird for me.

I wasn't angry or upset, neither was fear coursing through my veins as it usually did.

Nope, here and now the right word to say was I felt peace.

Maybe it was from looking down at the layout of Kingsland from the Library top, in the fresh air and gentle sunshine.

Whatever it was, it had left me feeling quite wholesome.

I wrote down a few words until the whispering in the class suddenly went silent. I looked up and watched as Miss Almulese walked into the classroom, her signature pet running after her before taking a leap in his designated area on her desk chair, tucked away and out of my line of sight.

I scoffed at this.

I had been giving it the staredown as it seemed to me we had some kind of beef going on from the time he prevented me from switching my stones.

My eyes trailed to the four students that trailed after Miss Almulese, dressed in their uniforms and standing at the front of the classroom, eyes darting momentarily over us, their audience.

They stood in equal pairs, one girl one boy, with the boy holding a cup, and in the other pair, the girl holding the cup.

I couldn't quite see the substance from here, but I did notice all their bands were orange.

"Welcome to our Afternoon Red's color class," Miss Almulese greeted, our eyes watching her every move.

I was particularly fascinated by the hairstyle she chose today, as it looked as if her dreads had been plaited to form some kind of crown in the front whilst the rest dropped down her back in an elegant flow.

She was also wearing a longer dress which looked more like a robe.

A deep dark black that only intensified into a weird but interesting look.

"We gon' carry on with our chats 'bout de Double E, de elementals an' Energies form of magic. Last class, y'all needed to tap into de higher plane an' activate de energy form, movin' one element from one instance of origin to de next specified interest," she acknowledged, her hands moving along to all that she was saying.

"Today, we gon' be experimentin' with de basic elemental components of de Double E form of magic," she continued, turning to face the four girls whose eyes lingered on her for a while, as she presented them.

"I done brought these young ones from Cycle 518, scatterin' 'em across different classes. De reason bein', they not too green to know how to wield their dilect to de max, yet not too seasoned dat' they be entirely comfortable with their powers," she paused turning to face us.

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