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Candy was a content woman.
She would go home, feed her cats, fix herself dinner, talk to her best friend Grenda on the phone. She was happy. It seemed the only problem in her life was the fact that her client, and even then, he was her other best friend's brother. Candy currently stood outside the courthouse, trying to contact her late client through the phone but struggling to do so, everything going straight to voicemail.

"Hello Dipper, this is Candy. You remember that thing I told you specifically not to do? That's right, NOT SKIP THE COURT DATE! God you're just like your Great Uncle Stan sometimes. Oh, I see you now, but I want to remind you that you are the worst client I have ever had. Goodbye!" Candy walked up to a cab pulling over in front of the courthouse, tapping her foot as she practically ripped Dipper from the backseat.

"I don't have time for your crap today Dipper! We have four minutes to get you inside before the court rules in the favor of the police and you go to jail. I do not want to explain this to your sister, so MOVE IT!" Both walked up the stairs quickly, being passed by other neatly dressed people, the air exiting the building, the scent of justice with a touch of vanilla. Dipper heard his phone go off, stopping to check who was calling.

"Oh! Now you answer your phone! We have four minutes!" Candy yelled. Dipper's eyes widened as he saw who was calling. Robbie must have found something. Dipper looked up at Candy with a sympathetic look. Candy returned his look with an angry scowl.

"And we will have three minutes to get inside! I have to take this. I'm sorry." Candy grit her teeth, adjusting her glasses, resisting the urge to just let herself be arrested for murder.

"You better be right behind me when this thing starts or else I will be the one going to jail for your murder." Candy stormed inside, leaving Dipper answering the call.

"Robbie! What did you find-" Robbie began talking quickly, as if in a rush.

"Meet me outside the coffee shop under the freeway, bring cash, five hundred, or else I'll sell it to someone else." The phone hung up, leaving Dipper scrambling back down the steps to hail another cab, quickly making another call.

Screw the court, he had a mystery to solve.


"And your client is where?" Candy was sweating bullets, standing in front of the court, two minutes after her four minute deadline, no Dipper in sight.

"Well, he was here, your honor, so points for that I suppose. He should be coming through that door any second now... any second." The judge sat frowning at Candy while she half-smiled back, taking small side-glances at the door. A few moments in silence passed. Nothing.

"Well, how about we set another court date then keep the court waiting-" The judge cleared their throat, shaking their head.

"Your client's bail is revoked." Candy swallowed.

"A bench warrant is hereby ordered by this court." And with that, the gavel was dropped. Leaving Candy to wonder where the hell Dipper had gone.

(I'm sorry about the poorly written law stuff. I have no freaking clue how that works and am using things I've heard from law shows and movies.)

"Wake up, you're drooling on my couch."

Bill was sleeping on his bosses couch inside the little office he called work, the man walking past him to throw himself down into a workspace of his own. The office itself was cluttered with piles of paper and various file folders, random boxes with who knows what inside and broken pencils littering the floor.

"Oh, sorry Jim. Got my paycheck yet?" Jim, a man with a large beard and a lack of sympathy nodded his head, holding up the slip of paper from beyond his desk, not bothering to look up from the computer screen, his printer buzzing with excitement as it began to spit out a paper.

"Sure. Here. I also got a new job, but I don't think you're up for this one though." Bill scoffed, taking the check and the newly printed paper, examining who the target was.

"Your, hehe, you're kidding right?" Jim shook his head. Bill felt his heart leap in his chest. This was the greatest gift he could have ever been given.

"Nope. It came in this morning. Moron skipped bail." Bill chuckled under his breath, continuing to stare at the page in silent happiness, his mind overflowing with petty thoughts.

"Are you sure you want to take this? I mean it pays well but..." Bill nodded his head furiously, walking towards the door, the little bell jingling as he ripped open the door.

"I don't care how much it pays! Hell, I would do it for free! You won't regret it Jim! Hahaha! This is great!" Bill skipped out of the office, aglow with a bright grin and a pep in his step. This was the best day of his life! Nothing could beat this! He laughed to himself, folding the paper neatly into his pocket as he made his way across the street to his destination, an apartment building he knew very well.

"Looks like Pinetree isn't as perfect as everyone thought."

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