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Bill was awoken by the sound of the back door opening.

Jolting forward, his eyes landed on the hall outside, a small shadow dancing on the wall in front of it. Someone else was here. And Bill was hoping that someone was Sapling. Quickly and quietly making his way down the hall, reaching behind him to grab a small handgun currently being holstered on his side, he held it out, hoping to catch his ex off guard. Stepping lightly down the hall, the figure seemed not to notice, continuing to move around. The sound of papers rustling soon became evident and small grumbles exiting the persons mouth.

Grinning, Bill jumped out from the hall and a scream echoed around him. As quick as Bill recoiled in surprise, the mystery person jumped back, tripping and falling to the floor. Walking over to the person, Bill questioned his sanity. This definitely wasn't Dipper, not even close.

"Who the hell are you!?" The person stood up, brushing themselves off quickly before looking Bill up and down.

"I'm Cathy! Dipper's co-worker and best friend. Who are you... wait." Bill compressed a chuckle. why on earth was she here? She wasn't anyone working with the law, so she wasn't lying about the co-worker thing, but best friend? maybe she's also his neighbor here and was collecting some work papers.

"Oh! You must be Bill! Dipper talks about you a lot." He nodded. Bill felt some sense of his ego enlarge. So he did still talk about him. Guess he wasn't over him after all.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! He hates you." The part of his ego that grew shrunk back. Guess not. Oh well, that still wouldn't change the fact that he would get to put him in jail and get paid to do so.

"He said you act like a child, that your whiny and impatient. You know, we're working on a story together-" Bill scowled, cutting off Cathy's word vomit.

"I act like a child!? Impatient!?" Bill laughed, holstering his gun.

"Did he say where he might be today?" Cathy shook her head, picking up a couple spare papers she seemed to be sifting through on the couch.

"He wasn't here today." Bill shook his head, making his way to the front door, hot footing it out the complex and down the street back to the office, leaving Cathy to her own devices. Trotting up to his car, an old 1980 Cadillac painted gold, he dove into the drivers seat, starting the car while also dialing up a number he hadn't contacted in a while. As the phone rang, he tapped the wheel nervously, hoping for someone to pick up.

"Bill?" Mabel's chirpy voice finally answered, sounding confused and as sunshine filled as ever. Another voice was audible in the back, Pacifica most likely.

"Hey Shootingstar, I need a favor." Small giggles could be heard in back as the phone seemed to change holders.

"We still hate you." Pacifica deadpanned, Mabel, still giggling, quickly taking over again.

"How is my least favorite brother-in-law?" Bill sighed, smiling to himself. At least Mabel still liked him, sort of.

"I'm doing good. I'm looking for your brother, do have any ideas where he might be?" Silence. Bill crossed his fingers. He hoped he didn't have to search the entire city just to find him.

"Oh yeah! He said earlier that he was going to go suck up some luck, whatever that means. If you see him, tell him that we say hi-" Clattering filled Bills ear before Pacifica spoke again.

"-And that your both first graders. Goodbye Cipher." She hung up, leaving Bill switching gears and starting his journey down to Dippers favorite park in a city a couple hours away, hopeful to find his target.


Dipper sat at one of the benches near the main path, this bench holding some value by being surrounded by a small patch of clover, something he remembered his uncle used to tell him could give him good luck. He sorted through various papers, hopeful to put something together that could give a lead of any kind. People, dogs and a children passed him, enjoying the cloudless summer day of the long Fourth of July weekend. As Dipper examined the coaster closer, his phone rang. Not breaking eye contact with the slip of cardboard, he picked up his phone, answering his disturbance.

"Dipper Pines, how can I help?" Dipper looked up once he heard the voice on the other end.

"Dipper your in danger! Someone's after you! They were in your house!" Dipper scowled, putting the coaster down to stare at the gravel covered ground.

"What the- Cathy!? How did you get my number!? My house... were you in my house!?" As Cathy was trying to respond, someone cleared their throat across from Dipper, catching him off guard. He hadn't heard or seen anyone else sit down. His head shot up to face the sound, shocked by his discovery.

"Bill?" The blonde was sitting on a bench across from his, grinning like a madman as he looked around as if nothing was wrong with the picture.

"Oh hey Dipper, fancy meeting you here." Dipper blinked, chuckling dryly, unsure what to think or even how to respond.

"Yeah, fancy." An uncomfortable silence filled the air, both parties suspicious of the other.

"Well, as fun as this has been, I have a story to track." Dipper began packing up his stuff, immediately feeling as if he should leave, this didn't seem right. Just as Dipper was getting up to leave, Bill stood up as well, moving his foot to block his path.

"Going somewhere?" Dipper laughed, shaking his head.

"And I thought if we were to ever run into each other again, we're going to treat each other like adults. Yes, for your information and it doesn't involve you." Bill didn't move, instead pulling out the folded wanted poster from his pocket and holding it up where Dipper could see. Dipper scowled, crossing his arms.

"Of course you have that. Bill, your not a cop anymore, you can't arrest me. And for the record, it was an accident." Bills shook his head, trading out the paper for his wallet, showing off a business card with his new job. Dipper scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Your a bounty hunter? Really?" Bill nodded, putting his wallet away.

"Yup. I catch idiots who jump bail." Bill cleared his throat, trying to stop his laughter.

"And as much as it pains me to do this, and it truly does, your under arrest for jumping bail. But, because of our past, I'll give you a ten second head start." Dipper opened and closed his mouth, trying to form angry sentences. Bill began counting down, grinning as he did so.

"Really? Really!? You cannot be serious."

"10, 9, 8,"

"This is ridiculous! Why the hell would I run!?"

"7, 6, 5,"

"Oh shit, your serious." Dipper took off running the opposite direction, clutching his bag, dodging other people while also keeping an eye out for an exit or possible hiding place to call a cab. Bill watched in excitement, what a rush! This was the best present he had ever received, getting to chase down someone he hated who also mutually hated him back and send him to prison! Oh thank you Pinetree! Thank you for jumping bail!

"4, 3, 2, 1."

Oh this was going to be so much fun.

(Again, sorry about all the law stuff if it's incorrect. It's all just a guess from me. Anyway, thanks for reading!)

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