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Standing outside the door to the apartment building, Bill found the door shut tight, locks presumed to be long changed, not to mention the fact no one seemed to be home. Nodding to himself, he strolled around back and spotted the familiar I trimmed bush hanging over the stone wall. Hopping the fence, he landed in heap on top of the old bush, accidentally crushing the plant and dirtying his shoes in the process. Standing up, he dusted himself off, walking up to the back door to find it unlocked. Odd, but nothing he was against at the moment. Taking a couple steps inside, the scent of pine filled his nose while his eyes scanned the room.

The apartment was mostly clean, a couple dirty dishes in the sink or an out of place paper but nothing to bad. The home was decorated decently with pictures of family sitting on various shelves and stacks of books and journals tucked away in other pieces of furniture. The walls bared paint of light blue and white hues, hinting at a slightly green tint in the sun, the floors mostly beige carpet except for the kitchen which was a light brown wood of unknown origin. Clearly the home was cared for, something Bill was excited to try and ruin.

Dragging his shoes across the floor, he left behind dark muddy prints ground into the carpet, giggling as he wandered around, knocking stuff over or just moving it place to place. An hour passed of petty revenge. Bill managed to hide the tv remote under the couch in a mostly un-reachable spot, switch up or just unplug random cords on the tv itself, randomly switch places of various kitchen appliances and unplug the microwave. Finding the pantry, he spotted a bag of Doritos sitting on one of the shelves.

"You seem lonely." Grabbing the bag, he walked down a small hall and found the bedroom, as clean as ever, unsuspecting of the man's chaos. Throwing himself on the bed, he ripped open the bag of chips and threw it half-heartedly to the side, cackling as some of the chips fell out of the bag into the sheets. He grinned like a madman, cozying down into pillow and shutting his eyes.

"I can take a small nap, not like he's going anywhere."


After stopping at the bank, Dipper sat inside a cab driving towards the coffee shop as quickly as the traffic would allow. His mind was a flurry of questions and doubt. Buildings passed the car quickly, a mess of blurry reds and browns. Was Robbie trying to rip him off? Was this some sort of set up? Was he about to be mugged!? The surrounding area could only be described as one big sketchy Walmart parking lot, tons of graffiti, cracked pavement and questionable cars and people. As the taxi stopped, Dipper stepped out, clutching his bag and spotting an unmarked van leaving the site. Running to try and catch anything about the driver, he noticed Robbie's car abandoned, the driver side window shattered.

"Oh shit." He muttered. Running over to the car, looking over the inside for anything that might lead to where Robbie might be. Finding a round object shoved between the drivers seat and the console, he opened the door and grabbed it. It turned out to be a coaster from the bar, the underside having a couple names and what looked to be part of a word that wasn't finished written in blue ink.

"I wonder what he was trying to write?" Shoving the coaster into his bag, he paced around for a moment, his thoughts being disrupted by his phone buzzing. Answering it, he found it to be his sister calling.

"Hello?" Dipper asked. Faint talking could be heard in the background as Mabel responded in her usual happy tone.

"Dipstick! Paz told me you called yesterday, is everything ok?" Her voice was like the embodiment of a smiley face, yet Dipper could hear her worry through the phone.

"Yeah, everything's fine. This story is really puzzling me. Did you need something?" Dipper glanced around, waving a hand at passing cabs, looking to catch another ride out to one of his thinking spots.

"Nope! Just calling to make sure everything is alright! You got any more questions? Paz told me that you almost gave her a heart attack last time." Dipper spotted the yellow and black car making its way towards him.

"Nope, and tell her that it wasn't that bad." He sighed. "Let's just say I need to go suck up some luck. I'll see you around Mabs."

"Alright! Love you bro!" The phone went dead. Dipper clutched his bag tighter. Something bigger was going on and he needed to figure out what before somebody else got hurt.

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