The Deer (Hannigram)

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A/N!!! – this is not canon compliant :) please keep that in mind! Also this is honestly an introduction to what I can write and what you guys might want to request. Enjoy :)

Hannibal Lecter, there was something off about him. Will Graham knew this much. When he was invited to his house for the first time? He didn't know what to expect. He got a full course meal and a place to stay for a night in case he had another night terror. But now? His visits to Dr. Lecter's house has become more frequent, more often he found himself staying a few days there.

Was it for fun? Pleasure? The pain? Who knew, Will Graham certainly didn't. He didn't even expect to become well acquainted with the man he suspected to be the Chesapeake Ripper.
But it didn't deter him.
He was rather excited by it actually.

Not in the aroused way, in the way that he knew and acknowledged that Dr. Lecter could hold a knife to his throat and he could die.
That he found exciting.
Was he a masochist?

Forward more, here he was, in Dr. Lecter's bed. He was dreaming, or so he thought. He was sleeping, spooning his psychiatrist like a lover would. What were they to each other? He didn't know, but he had a feeling Dr. Lecter did.

With the way that he was being drawn like a greek god by the man, the way the man held him in his loving arms, he knew that Dr. Lecter knew.
He knew they were lovers in Dr. Lecter's eyes. 
And something even more odd, it didn't deter him from Dr. Lecter.

So there he lay in Hannibal Lecter's arms, and he laid there contently. 
He wasn't scared of this man, and it was odd. He had no clue on how, or even why he found comfort in Dr. Lecter.
He loved him, that was the only solution.

He slowly felt the breathing of his lover of sorts and drifted to sleep, waiting for the deer in his dreams to awaken once again.
But he didn't see the deer in his dreams.
He thinks about him, but not the deer man. He doesn't think about the Chesapeake Ripper, but he sees Hannibal Lecter.

He sees his lover, the deer.

A/N – I hope you enjoyed it! This will most likely be a short fic, I wrote it in school while I was supposed to be working or something. Drink water, stay safe!
Your dearest author!

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