The Fire (Hannigram)

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Hannibal Lecter was a quiet man until he set his own life on fire, dragging Will Graham with him. This wasn't unusual though, they were with each other through thick and thin, no matter how upset Will had gotten at Hannibal. They were glued to each other, and in Will's opinion, it was intoxicating to them both.

The fall happened, they were almost dead until Hannibal was first to wake up. He picked up Will with whatever strength he had left in him and carried him to the nearest safe area, which was an abandoned building.

He dropped Will off into a bathtub, cleaning Will before himself. He was extra careful with the wounds that his love had, making sure to disinfect them with the things he could find, which wasn't much. He brought in water from the nearby water source.
Washing Will up, then washing himself up, he started a fire to dry them off. The fire warmed Will, then slowly he awoke from being passed out. He looked at Hannibal, dazed and confused, why was he alive?

"Dr. Lecter, where am I?" he asked softly, his voice hoarse.
"You passed out, I woke up first, we're in an abandoned building, mylimasis," Hannibal responded.

Will nodded, looking at the fire and huddling closer to it.
He was hurt, it felt horrible, everything felt like it was crushing him. The air even felt harsh to his skin, then he had the sudden remembrance that they were in Europe, it was inevitably cold anyways.

Dr. Lecter let out his arm, motioning Will to come closer to him. Will did, despite what he was thinking. He just wanted the warmth from somebody, and Hannibal just so happened to be the closest resource of heat.

He was right next to Hannibal, not moving an inch, scared of himself falling even more in love with the man who just almost killed him, then proceeded to save him. How was he supposed to feel?

But, he still felt some form of attachment to his former psychiatrist, he loved him regardless of what he did. He could hate him for all he wanted to, he knew how he truly felt about the man. He loved Hannibal Lecter, his Hannibal Lecter. His, because he knew how much Hannibal loved him too.

He leaned his head on Hannibal, looking at the fire still.
"Will, you're a beauty," Hannibal spoke up with.
"I think I love you," Will said silently.

Hannibal raised his eyebrow a little bit, looking at Will, Will seemingly having no reaction to his own words.
This is how they wanted to keep it, this was how they wanted it to be. Just them, nobody else.
And that is how, from here on out, it will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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