December 17th

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Despite Grayson's complaint that the following day marked the official start of Christmas break, Claire had heard of my offer to tutor him and requested that we start immediately.

     Homework the one thing of which Grayson lacked motivation, for once, I woke before he. Though she had just a few days ago made a remark of Grayson's need of sleep, before leaving for work, Claire requested that I wake him. She knew very well, just as I did, that Grayson had plans for the evening. It'd be best to get the studying over with, and Claire claimed that Grayson worked best in the morning. I reckoned if that were true, he wouldn't have chosen that morning as the day he got a healthy amount of sleep. She had definitely handed me a task she wished to avoid, which was immensely disconcerting. But I couldn't argue with her sweet smile. Extra glimmer of innocence behind piercing blue eyes, I cursed myself for caving so easily to the mother and son's pleas. What was it about the Ryders that made my backbone disappear?

     Acknowledging Claire's warning that Grayson was difficult to wake, warily I trudged upstairs.

     Knocking softly on his bedroom door, I called his name. No response. Oh, how naïve I had been to believe that would work.

     "Grayson." I raised my voice considerably.

     Still, I heard nothing. With a defeated grunt, carefully I entered his room. Gaze wary as I hoped he was decent, I noted the small peaking of black boxers under the blue covers pulled up to his hip, and relaxed. Torso up bare, the sunshine that peaked through his curtains bounced off his chest, further placing it on display. In an instant my face grew hot. I decided his room was the warmest in the house. He must have had an extra heating vent. That was the reason my cheeks were flushed. That or I was fevering up from our midnight dips in the freezing lake of December.

     Arm slung across his face, shielding his eyes from the bright beam escaping his window, the light I turned on had no effect.

     "Grayson," I tried again.

     He didn't even flinch. I was convinced he was messing with me. There was no way he was this deep of a sleeper.

     Stepping closer, I concluded that he was in fact sound asleep. I had had the misfortune of witnessing his acting abilities, there was no way he could feign such a restful state. Lips parted and chest rising and falling softly, he looked at such peace that I almost felt bad for waking him up. Remembering the numerous times, I suffered a rude awakening because of him, suddenly I didn't feel so guilty. I considered rummaging through his closet for the trumpet he used many weeks ago, but eyes returning to his innocent, vulnerable state, I changed my mind. I was a sucker, I know.

     Keeping my eyes on his face, refusing to let my gaze wonder below his neck, I shook him lightly, still calling his name. Shaking him more forcefully, when all I received was a small moan in response, I put my head in my hands. I was beginning to understand why Claire had rushed off to work.

     "For God's sake, Ryder! Even unconscious you're insufferable! Why—"

     Grunt of displeasure as he finally began to stir, he flipped on his side, instinctively swinging his arm towards his nightstand as if to shut his alarm. I would have celebrated the sign of consciousness had I not been stood between his arm and the silent alarm. Surprised by the force behind the swinging of his arm, I stumbled. In attempt to save myself from falling, I made the mistake of grabbing his exposed arm, and pulled him down with me. Crushing my body with his, I inhaled sharply as he was too sleepy to support his own weight. Sluggishly he held himself up on his elbows, allowing me only a very small space to breathe. Body flush against mine, still he stared at me blankly, blinking tiredly as he was slow to grasp our predicament.

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