October 14th

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Somehow, Grayson was awake before me. I had gotten a healthy amount of sleep, yet still I dragged myself tiredly down to the kitchen. Grayson couldn't have slept more than few hours, but was as energetic as usual, shoving a plate of waffles in front of me the moment I dropped into my chair.

     "Good morning." He beamed, hair freshly showered and already in his day clothes.

     Of course, he was a morning person. Accepting the bottle of syrup, I grunted in returned greeting.

     Despite having already finished his breakfast, to my dismay he took the seat that faced mine. "I've got the calendar all planned out," he revealed excitedly.

     Too early for his enthusiasm, I nodded in acknowledgement and forced a small smile of gratitude.

     "Actually..." I started, looking down at the pyjamas that I had borrowed from Claire. I had been told that someone would bring over my belongings from the Collins, but I didn't think there was anything I would want to keep. I wouldn't be able to look at any of my old things without thinking of them. "Did we ever happen to take a trip to the mall?"

     With attentive furrowed brows, Grayson nodded.

     "It's just that I need new clothes," I said timidly, gaze strained restlessly towards my plate. "I don't want to wear what they bought for me."

     Instantly he understood. "I will make room for a trip to the mall."

     Eagerly rising from his chair, he strode out the kitchen without another word. Fork frozen to my lips, I watched him dart away with crinkled brows. I didn't bother asking questions.

     He returned few minutes later, practically skipping. Dropping in his earlier seat, he sprawled a large handmade calendar across the table. Scribbling madly in various blocks, rearranging the squared days with arrows, he mumbled incoherently.

     Eventually dropping the pen with a loud hurrah, he met my crazed eyes with a grin.

     "All done," he said. "Will you be ready to leave in a half-hour?"

     "For school?" I glanced at the clock. I was already dreading returning to classes. I had no desire to go any earlier than necessary.

     "Of course, not." He smiled. "We're going shopping."

     I had forgotten that I hated shopping. I tried to grab what I needed and leave, but Grayson had other plans. He dragged me through every shop, pushing me towards the dressing rooms with piles of clothes that he had chosen.

     "What?" I snapped in response to the excessive knocking, impatiently pulling on my third long sleeve.

     "I want to see," Grayson whined with the maturity level of a pre-schooler.

     "It fits fine." I twisted my torso in front of the greasy door mirror to inspect the polyester sweater.

     "Is it the purple one? I really liked the purple one..."

     Ultimately, I swung the door open just to shut him up.

     Studiously glancing me over, he told me what I already knew; that it fit properly. His input was useless but still he insisted on seeing every outfit. It was exasperating, and the twirls and strolls he prodded out of me were humiliating, but the embarrassment was better than fighting him on the matter. One of the first things I learned about Grayson Ryder was that he was impossibly stubborn.

     Heading for the food court, hands full of bags, I nearly ran into Grayson when he stopped abruptly.

     "Oh no!" he exclaimed.

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