✨Chapter Twenty-Seven✨

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Ashton leaned across the island and looked at Jenna. It really was all pointless, honestly. They were arguing over something so stupid and pointless. Currently, Ashton was trying to calm Jenna down.

"Just stay calm, Jenna," Ashton spoke slowly and quietly.

"How the fuck can I stay calm?!" Her voice probably scared the neighbors. Well, most likely the people in Japan.

"It's not even that bad!" Ashton laughed.

"It is! It's like going into labor! Only, worse!" Jenna slammed her hands on the counter.

Ashton tried to calm her down. "Jen-"

He was cut off. "Someone ate my gummy worms!" Jenna's face was red and tears were threatening to spill over.

"Jen, if you become too stressed you'll go into labor early. Please, calm down." Ashton started to panic.

She only had four weeks left so, it scared him. She could have little Aiden on the kitchen floor. He was worried. Her emotions had been everywhere, lately. Even more than normal.

"Oh, all of that's a bunch a shit! You know that better than anyone! Now, who ate my gummy worms?!" Jenna was set on finding who the hell are her gummy worms.

"I did! I was sleep eating again!" Ashton went into the self defense position.

The hits never came. The yelling had ceased. He peeked over to see Jenna holding a hand to her stomach, the other gripping the counter. Her face was scrunched in pain.

"I guess stress can cause you to go into labor early." Jenna chuckled. Fucking chuckled! "Let's just go to the hospital."

Ashton didn't need to be told twice. He was up the stairs in a New York minute and back. He held the over night bag in his hand. He ran over to Jenna and helped her walk to the car.

To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He knew it was okay to have the baby a few weeks early. But, it still made him paranoid. Somehow, Jenna just smiled throughout the whole ride to the hospital.


"Well, Miss. Jenna," Dr. Moore popped in the room, clipboard in her hands, "your contractions are pretty far apart. Now, when did your water break?" She smiled.

"Uh, maybe an hour ago? Less?" Jenna thought about it. She doesn't remember her water breaking.

"It was an hour ago, we were fighting over who ate her gummy worms," Ashton smiled at the nurse.

Jenna had managed to keep the screaming to a minimum. Ashton knew Jenna could handle pain. He just didn't know she could handle this much pain. He could only imagine the pain she was going through, his mother had described what she went through for him.

"Let's see how dilated you are."


"It's been ten hours!" Ashton groaned as Jenna rolled her eyes.

She was sick of Ashton complaining. She understood that he was anxious to meet his son. She was anxious and excited too. But, until he held the baby in his uterus for eight months, went through all the contractions and the dilating, he can wait!

"It can take up to twenty-four hours, Ashton. Now, be-"

She was cut off by Dr. Moore walking in. A big smile was present on her face as she grabbed gloves and wore the mask thing. Heather was next to Jenna, making Jenna relax a little.

This was it, she was finally going to meet the son of a beautiful woman who wouldn't stop kicking!



Aiden Zachary-Casey Irwin was born November 29 at 1:36 am. He weighed six pounds and four ounces. He weighed less than they thought he would. He was exactly 20 in. long. He truly was a wonder to behold.

When Jenna first heard his cries, she had let out a sigh of relief. When he was placed in her arms, she cried tears of joy. When she passed Aiden to Ashton, she mentally "aw'd" at how cute it was.

It still all seemed so surreal. Like, none of this was real. It was all just a dream. One day, Jenna was scared she would wake up and it all just was a dream. That, Ashton didn't really love her. That Jazmine was still pregnant and getting married. Gloria hadn't gotten her job at the publishing company. That she was still fixing the truck with Ashton.

But, when she saw the love radiating from Ashton, the feel of her baby in her arms, the smell of the hospital, the noise of Aiden's whimpers, and the taste of happiness, she knew it was all real. She knew that none of this was a dream. It was perfect. She wouldn't have it any other way. This was all she could ask for, all she could ever want. It was perfect.


THIS IS NOT THE END! We still have eight chapters left!

Okay, sorry this was short! And, it was really sucky, as I have never had a child for I am only fifteen. On a good note: SCHOOL ENDS ON MONDAY! That makes my Monday one hundred times better. :) Also, my bully won't even fucking look at me! Like, does it really take a fucking status to get you to shut up?

On a bad note: I HAVE FOUR REGENTS! Ugh!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Yes, she had the baby early. My mum had my little sister eight weeks early. My little sister isn't even supposed to be alive. Everyone calls her the miracle baby. She really is a 1 in a 1,000,000,000 baby.

Vote and comment! I need positivity! So, you can comment anything! As long as it helps me make it through tomorrow! :)


P.S.: LOVE Y'ALL!! ;* <3

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