Chapter 2

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I had been running for, who knows how long, when I start to feel dizzy.

"DON'T PASS OUT!" He yelled at me in my head, but I couldn't help it, and I passed out.

I woke up and expected to see the gray of the utility tunnels, but I saw light pinks and blues.

"The mindspace.." I sighed.

"And someone else." Someone said from a dark corner in the mindspace.

"S-Solar-" I started, before seeing it wasn't him.

"It's not him you idiot! Do I sound like him?!" He said.

"Blood Star!? How are you alive?! I saw you-"

"Not important." Blood Star cut me off. He started circling me.

"W-what do you want..?" I asked him, slightly scared of the answer.

"A body. I want you to make me a body, I know you have the star right now." Blood Star snapped, glaring at me.

"...Fine. I'll make you a body" I answered him, annoyed.

"Perfect! 3 days.." Blood Star clapped his hands together with a smile, walking off. I spotted the cube that lets me leave, and touched it, exiting the mindspace.

Darkest night - A Sun and Moon show AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now