Chapter 4

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I had just finished building three new animatronics, technically 6, because one had an alternate personality and the other two have kill codes. The only problem was that he was out of cores, he wasn't using the star to make one, because Blood Star would kill him if he tried to us the stupid thing.

"What to do, what to do.." I said to myself.

"Aha!" I exclaimed to myself. I put the star in the 1st animatronic's chest. Boom, done. Just in time too.


We were checking all of Eclipse's favorite spots in the pizzaplex, and after days of looking..

We found him.


That was one of his least favorite spots!

Not anymore I guess.

As me and my brothers approached him, we saw 3 other animatronics. They looked new, not even activated yet. Moon stepped forward.

"Are you trying to make new friends since you abandoned your old ones?" Moon snapped at Eclipse, and he turned around.

"I didn't-" Eclipse cut himself off, as if he couldn't say anything else. "Just stay out of my way, okay? I can't have you guys getting in my way.." Eclipse looked down. Sun spoke up.

"If you're working with them-" Sun started.

"Then we'll have to shut down your plans." Moon interrupted, Sun looked a bit offended, but Moon didn't look back at him. I was standing on the sidelines, not even looking at my former brother.

He's evil.

That's what everyone tells me.

So it must be true.

I'm done giving him sympathy.

Just then, Moon spoke up.

"I hope you remember your training, because otherwise you will die here in these tunnels."

I was shocked, Moon was going to kill Eclipse.

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