Chapter 5

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I flinched backwards.

"M-Moon, Don't you think this is a bit much..?" I stuttered on my words, backing up.

"You threatened my brother's life!" Moon snaped, coming closer.

"You've done it multiple times!" Sun spoke up, Moon looked back at him, surprised. I was surprised too, I knew Sun and Moon had a complicated relationship, but I didn't know it was this bad. 

"Liar." Moon told him, before turning back to me. "I'm going to take every wire you have, and rip it apart.." I flinched backwards, and Sun grabbed Moon's arm.

"Moon! Don't you think this is a bit much? Even after everything, he's still our brother!" Sun tried to talk some sense into Moon, but Moon's only reaction was to scratch Sun across the face.

"Stop trying to protect him!" Moon yelled at Sun, then lit up his hands with fire magic, and in return, I got my dark magic ready. It was originally light magic, but after I joined HIM, he corrupted it. I really didn't want to hurt him, but he was going to force me to. Moon started blasting me with magic, with me blocking. This went on for a few minutes, before Glamrock Freddy and Derrick came running in.

"Couldn't have come sooner?!" Lunar yelled at them.

"You didn't tell us you were going here!" Freddy retaliated back at him. I knew this would be too much for me. I hit Moon with a small blast of magic, before running to activate Shadow Eclipse, Dark Moon, and Dark Star. I hit their activation switches, before seeing if they worked. Luckily, they did, and they all activated. Shadow Eclipse was the first one to say something.

"Hello Eclipse." he said.

"H-how nice of you to join us.." I responded, still shaky.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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