The First Letter

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Yunjin stares down happily at the assignment laid out in front of her, now marked with a "100" in red ink. Honestly, English was never her favorite subject but there was something about the creative aspect of it that she deeply gravitated towards. She loved the freedom of it all, part of the reason she loved songwriting so much.

"Excellent work Yunjin," Ms. Young praises with a soft smile. "To be honest, if you weren't set on music, I'd be encouraging you to write for a living," she adds before handing back assignments to the other students.

Yunjin flushes and mutters a "thank you". Suddenly, the bell signaling the end of the period sounds throughout the building and she gathers her backpack and heads out the classroom. It's not until she's already out the door that she hears a "Hey, wait up!" and expectantly turns around.

It's Choi Yeonjun. Star player and captain of Hybe High's football team, and 180 pounds of pure muscle. Yunjin raises her eyebrow. She's not sure why the most popular and sought out boy in the school is approaching her, and despite her best efforts to conceal it, she's a little nervous.

Yeonjun pushes his dark hair out of his eyes and quickly looks around before setting his eyes back on the confused girl in front of him. "Listen, I know we haven't really talked," he begins and Yunjin mentally rolls her eyes, fully aware of the social hierarchy that exists throughout the school. By no means is she unpopular, she just prefers to mainly keep to herself as opposed to her best friend Kazuha, who could strike up a conversation with anyone in the school.

Is that because you don't hang out with anyone with a GPA above 3? She wants to ask, but instead waits for the athlete to finish.

"I, uh, I heard Ms. Young talking to you just then. About your writing." He scratches the back of his neck. "You're really good, right?"

The black-haired girl is beyond puzzled at this point. "I guess...why?"

Yeonjun sighs in relief. "Look, I need your help."

Yunjin rolls her eyes. "I'm not going to rewrite your assignment for you if that's what-"

"No!" The tall boy exclaims suddenly. "I want to impress a girl," he mutters, looking all kinds of embarrassed. Yunjin wants to laugh and savor this moment – the jock asking the nerd for help with girls? But she admires his courage somewhat, so she simply nods.

"Yeah, anyway, I want to write her a letter. Something romantic or some shit, I don't know."

Yunjin scoffs at that. Who said romance was dead? "And you need me for that because...?"

"I'm not good with this stuff," Yeonjun says quickly. "But I really like her, and I thought maybe you could whip something up for me. You up for some extra cash, Huh?"

Yunjin ponders for a moment. "How much are we talking? And how much writing?"

"$50 for one page? For now, anyway," Yeonjun offers.

Yunjin's eyes widened. It's not a bad offer at all and she's tempted to agree immediately.

"One thing," she says. Yeonjun raises a brow. "Who's the girl?"

The boy scans his surroundings once more. "Is that important?" He starts, but upon seeing the look on Yunjin's face, he leans in a bit.

"Fine, it's Kim Chaewon. You know her?"


And that's all it takes for Yunjin's head to spin. Kim Chaewon. The girl she's been uselessly pining over for nearly the entirety of her high school life. God, I'm pathetic, she realizes to herself.

Despite barely having said two words to her ever, Kim Chaewon has managed to take over most of Yunjin's daily thoughts. Yunjin thinks she can write essays alone on the curve of her jaw, or her short dark hair, or her eyes when she smiles, or-

i had no idea i was waiting on you (Purinz/Chaewon x Yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now