Twists and Turns

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Yunjin dramatically lets her pen fall to the ground as she scribbles the last lyric of the song now known as Love Letter (Chaewon had many complaints of this name but ended up caving in).

After a rather productive afternoon, the two girls had finally managed to finish the lyrical component of the song. Immediately upon entering the practice room, which now felt more suffocating than usual, Chaewon was suggesting lyrics. She knew if she didn't keep her brain operating at maximum efficiency then she was bound to be distracted by the very problem across the room from her. A problem that she's no nearer to solving.

Chaewon knows she has to tell someone what's going on, but she's far too frightened to tell Yunjin or Yeonjun despite knowing they're probably the best options. Her parents are out of the question. And that leaves...


She's going to have to tell the girl eventually. A pang of guilt ripples through Chaewon as she realizes that she's been lying to her best friend for the first time ever.

Sakura's not a homophobe, she's literally dating Kazuha for god's sake, Chaewon has tried instilling inside her brain.

She'd seemed so happy when Chaewon first started dating Yeonjun though. Chaewon knows Sakura will be disappointed, and as far as she's concerned, anyone who disappoints the ball of sunshine that is Miyawaki Sakura is a monster.

It's hit a point, however, and Chaewon knows she has to deal with any potential awkwardness now if she ever wants to stop feeling so horrible.

She zones back into the conversation. "We'll meet up here a few times before the performance next week," Yunjin is telling her. "But apart from that, I think we're almost ready!"

Chaewon tries matching Yunjin's enthusiastic smile, praying it doesn't come off as a grimace. All things considered, she's been acting almost naturally towards the older girl. After all, it's not like she's going to do something stupid like interrupt Yunjin to confess.

She wants to, though. God, she wants to. Every smile Yunjin directs towards her punctures her lungs, making it increasingly difficult for her to breathe. Every time she hears that ridiculous laugh of Yunjin's. Every time their eyes meet and Chaewon has to physically stop herself from letting every emotion from the past week seep out. Because realistically, what is she going to say to Yunjin anyway?

So that day we went out together kind of did something to me! Something homosexual apparently. Anyway, I kind of like you now? Even though I'm dating a footballer. Isn't that crazy?

There's no easy way to say it, so Chaewon figures she'll ignore it for now. She has another awkward conversation to deal with first.

Sakura decides to meet her at a quiet coffee shop ten minutes from campus, rather than the coffee shop Yuri works at that's only five minutes away. Chaewon knows Sakura will already be suspicious, but she can't risk Yuri or anyone else she knows overhearing. So, she's picked a little hole-in-the-wall that she's only ever seen two or three people in at a time.

After anxiously waiting alone at a table for five minutes, Sakura arrives to interrupt Chaewon from tapping her nails incessantly against the wooden tabletop.

"Chae! Why are we-"

Sakura's bright eyes lock onto Chaewon's and the bubbly girl must notice something in Chaewon's expression because she lets out a soft oh and pulls up a chair.

"What's wrong?"

Chaewon pales, knowing there's no hiding now. Technically she could make a break for it, but Sakura is deceptively strong and fast.

i had no idea i was waiting on you (Purinz/Chaewon x Yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now