On the way

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Connor's legs bounced up and down as he, Jude, and Callie were in the car with Lena, on the way to the prom. The couple had decided to go for classic black suits with white shirts and black ties, but, to add a personal touch, and complete, the outfits they had both painted their nails in the oh so famous, shade of blue that they wore for special occasions. Jude looked at his boyfriend with a concerned face, he knew Connor didn't have anything to be nervous about. "It's going to be okay, great actually", he said, "Everyone there will be okay with us, I mean, it's an LGBTQ+ prom so they kind of have to". Connor looked out the car window, his legs still bobbing jitterily. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then closed it again and looked thoughtful, wondered how he was going to put it. "It's not that", he finally said, "I don't care about what other people might think. The only person, whose opinion I care about, is you." Jude was slightly shocked at the words, he guess he never really understood just how much he meant to his boyfriend. "This is very important to me, to us, and I don't want to mess it up", Connor continued, "I just want everything to be perfect". "Awe", Lena and Callie said in unison, looking back at the two boys. Connor sighed and turned his gaze from the window to his, obviously touched, date. "Oh", was the only think Jude could get out, he was stunned and wasn't really sure how to respond. Connor, still looking somewhat anxious, tried to figure out what was going through Jude's mind but couldn't tell if his confession had a positive or negative effect. Before he had come to any sort of conclusion Jude took his hand and smiled at him. "It's going to be perfect, don't you worry", he said confidently and rubbed Connor's thumb with his reassuringly.


They arrived about 15 minutes later, Callie and Lena doing most of the speaking after Jude's affirming reply. The boys climbed out of the car on their separate sides, having never stopped holding hands during the rest of the ride it felt as if something was missing when they had to let go to exit the car. Connor and Lena joined the siblings on the other side of the car and Jude immediately grabbed his date's hand, instantly feeling better. "Okay, don't forget to call when you need to be picked up, no later than 11 PM", Lena said to the teenagers, "If anything happens, call me, or Steph". "We will", Callie replied, "Don't you worry". "Now go and have fun kids!", Lena said and walked back to the driver side of the car. As she was driving away she waved goodbye and the teens waved back.

The prom was held outdoors, in a big garden with plants of all colors. There was a traditional arch as an entrance where a few volunteers controlled who went in and out of the venue. Cole was standing with them and noticed his 3 invitees as they walked towards him. "Hi guys", he shouted, as the group was still a notable distance from him. "I'm so glad you all could come", he continued as they got closer. He brought Callie in for a hug and asked her how she had been. "It's been so long since we last saw each other", he continued. "Too long", Callie replied and proceeded by briefly running through all of the things that have happened, the crash, baby, AJ, and her adoption, to name a few. "Damn, you've been busy", Cole stated, "I've made some progress in my transition and am currently living with a tolerable foster family, thank you for asking". They talked for a while longer as Jude tried to calm his still worried boyfriend. "What if I screw up our first dance Jude, maybe my foot isn't completely healed yet and I fall and bring you down with me", Connor said quickly as his nervousness sped up the speed of his speech. "I just-", he continued but Jude interrupted him, "Slow down. Your foot is healed, you've walked without crutches for over a week now". He put his hand on Connor's shoulder, "I am sure it will all be amazing, even if we fall we'll laugh it off. Okay?", he said trying to lock eyes with the boy in front of him. Connor took a few deep breaths and looked up from the ground, into Jude's eyes, "Okay".

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